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Does fate exist?

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there really are some sad losers on here, this is the first time in about 2 years that I have bothered with sheffield forum because its just full of saddo losers with nothing better to do than argue as opposed to holding a decent, intelligent conversation and resorting to childish quips with a view to rousing the others tempers, well im afraid that I am far better than you than to say very very childish, brain dead things like, "derrrr, are you de wierd guy from donnie darko...? he he he." what i suggest you do is sup the rest of the white cider you are drinking then smoke another knock off fag that you bought from a scrubber in a pub and go and have your 3rd w@nk of the day because its obvious to me that a person as thick as you clearly doesn't have a partner, sorry boyfriend in your case... hehehehe tw@


Holy crap you're arrogant.


you're the kind of person who would say this ""flamingjimmy" You clearly aren't a student of ancient philosophies, ancient religions" to someone who is currently doing a degree in (guess what?!?) Philosophy.


You are also clearly either unable or too much of a coward to engage in actual debate. You're first post on this thread directly adressed me, and then you completely ignored my response (I suspect, because you couldn't think of anything).


There's more than one way to be insulting to. I made a friendly quip about you reminding me of Patrick Swayze's character in Donny Darko, because you do, and what you said about fear and love is extremely reminiscent of him.


You just call us all stupid, heavily imply that you are at some 'higher level of awareness' than the rest of us, say things like 'I'm far better than you'. hypocrite much?


Let's try and get back to the topic, you have claimed to know about fate and how it works, I would like to see some evidence for this. Do you have any?

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there really are some sad losers on here, this is the first time in about 2 years that I have bothered with sheffield forum because its just full of saddo losers with nothing better to do than argue as opposed to holding a decent, intelligent conversation and resorting to childish quips with a view to rousing the others tempers, well im afraid that I am far better than you than to say very very childish, brain dead things like, "derrrr, are you de wierd guy from donnie darko...? he he he." what i suggest you do is sup the rest of the white cider you are drinking then smoke another knock off fag that you bought from a scrubber in a pub and go and have your 3rd w@nk of the day because its obvious to me that a person as thick as you clearly doesn't have a partner, sorry boyfriend in your case... hehehehe tw@


This is your response and you're calling *other* people saddo losers!



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The problem with modern man is that WE HAVE TO KNOW THE ANSWERS TO FRICKIN EVERYTHING, we are not happy to let the wonders and mysteries of life unfold and accept them for what they are.


Wait a minute, you were the one claiming all this knowledge about things that we cannot possibly know. Fate, god, the afterlife... these things can only be philosophically pondered. They cannot be proven or disproved. At least not by humans at their current level of understanding. I don't care how many books you've read or how many times you haven't watched Coronation Street, there is no way you or anybody else can know for certain that these things exist.


Now I quite enjoy philosophical debates, but as soon as you start bringing absolutes into it (i.e. "Fate is very real") we can't really have that debate can we?

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Throughout my life I have always had the sense that I will be looked after, things always fall right for me, I mean always, not just sometimes always is the key word here... Since leaving school I have only been out of work for 7 months in 23 years. I have always been lucky in love and got whoever I wanted and always lived in great homes & apartments. I largely attribute my good luck / good fortune to my total lack of planning in life and succumbing to life itself. I do believe in GOD but don't follow any man made religions, I am a medium & spiritualist and like to think that I have raised my 'vibrations', my level of consciousness sufficiently high enough so that I don't get bogged down by worry and fear of what may be. I believe that the human body is a receiver and transmitter of residual information from others. If you give out fear and worry you will invite it, if you are positive and happy you will attract the same. You will get back and manifested in your life whatever you transmit or 'put out'.


My profound belief in fate stems from the facts that I don't plan anything, I let my life roll out before me & I just sit back and see what transpires. I have ZERO FEAR IN LIFE OF ANYTHING, what is the worst that could happen ? you lose the fleshy prison that enslaves your soul then you move on to higher planes / realms. People take life so seriously, just enjoy the ride, once you give yourself over to fate and resign yourself to the 'fact' whatever will be will be then you become a more relaxed and free person.


I welcome your comment please ladies and gentlemen.


So your entire argument consists of 'things have gone pretty well for me without me planning, therefore fate exists' ?


Let's not jibber jabber on about 'levels of conciousness', god, 'vibrations' and 'souls', lets try and just stick to one crazy superstition at a time eh? Otherwise this will descend into multi quoting madness.

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