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Jon Venables pleads guilty & gets 2 years

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You know what our problem is, Babooshka?


We are trying to use truth and rational arguments with people who have no concept of being rational.


We're arguing with those who prefer to let themselves join in being whipped up into a frenzy of bloodlust, rather than think rationally.


I bet they are the type who were vying to show the most grief when Princess Diana died...

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You know what our problem is, Babooshka?


We are trying to use truth and rational arguments with people who have no concept of being rational.


We're arguing with those who prefer to let themselves join in being whipped up into a frenzy of bloodlust, rather than think rationally.


I bet they are the type who were vying to show the most grief when Princess Diana died...


so being rational you mean because thompson and venables were only 10 you would have let them get away with the killing of bulger then

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The news said he was making and downloading indecent child pictures earlier (sky news live).

2 years will not reform him, 20 years will not reform him, 200 years will SIMPLY not reform him. JV clearly is still as much a danger to children now as he was when he was 10, he had his chance within norm society and he failed, so for gods sake do not give him a chance to do anything else with innocent children...

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I agree. There is no place for people who can think BEYOND the actual crime, and why it took place. People don't want to help, and work towards preventing events like this. They just want to watch someone pay after the crime has been committed.

Life is not so black and white. It is a world of grey, in which we all have a part to play in making it better. Wishing death upon a child in the name of 'justice' is hardly a society in which I wish to live.

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so being rational you mean because thompson and venables were only 10 you would have let them get away with the killing of bulger then


Of course not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Open your eyes to what we have written!

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so being rational you mean because thompson and venables were only 10 you would have let them get away with the killing of bulger then


No, daft, I have not said that at all, so don't imply that I have, please.


No-one is the same person at 21 as they are at 10, the understanding and reasoning of a child of ten is vastly different to that of an adult.

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the fact that a child is not developed, mentally? the fact that a child's understanding of the world is not that of an adult?
As any mentally balanced adult will know, being fully developed mentally, isn't an explanation as to why anyone would have sadistic desires. Therefore, why would the sadistic desires as a child be viewed any differently. Whether fully developed or only partially developed, there's still an imbalance. So where is the comparison drawn?
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as I said above, different people deal differently with the hand life deals them. Different people have learnt differing coping mechanisms. others have been damaged so badly, that they have not got the capacity to acquire the coping mechanisms.
By different do you mean sadistic?
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