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Jon Venables pleads guilty & gets 2 years

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As any mentally balanced adult will know, being fully developed mentally, isn't an explanation as to why anyone would have sadistic desires. Therefore, why would the sadistic desires as a child be viewed any differently. Whether fully developed or only partially developed, there's still an imbalance. So where is the comparison drawn?


There is no comparison between the understanding of a ten year old child and the understanding of an adult.

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You SURELY do not think that ALL people are the same, and affected in the same way, do you? We are not robots. We all respond differently to different situations. eg like when we get our hearts broken, some people will delve in to the pits of despair, and some will rise above it and move on. Not all people respond in the same way to a given situation.
The functions of the brain work the same way for all of us. All that differs are the places and faces.
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Can I just ask, what you think it is that makes the desires of an evil child, different to those of an evil adult?


I know that others have replied but I have to add my two pennor'th too....if you can't see the difference then you're lacking in some element of humanity, not to say, common sense.


As to the argument that 'some kids are just born evil'. that's just so wrong. Society has a duty to bring its young up to be decent and loving. A society that produces young that don't meet that criteria has to look to itself, imo, before casting blame on the young.

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I agree, PT. We concentrate on revenge, rather than getting to the root of the cause. We need to stop what causes children to behave like this. A child of ten needs help, and not to be thrown away forever. His behaviour was not 'normal'. It needs tackling. And it's not just the parents of young murderers that need sorting out.
You seen to know a lot about it. Someone else has said that all the two kids ever knew was violence and abuse, and you also think something caused him to behave like he has done.


His problem wasn't cured by having a safe time in a children's home for a few years with every advantage and therapy available, so it must have been something bad that caused him to be 'not normal'?.


Then can anyone explain why Venables and the other lad's parents werent prosecuted for child abuse at the time?

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You seen to know a lot about it. Someone else has said that all the two kids ever knew was violence and abuse, and you also think something caused him to behave like he has done.


His problem wasn't cured by having a safe time in a children's home for a few years with every advantage and therapy available, so it must have been something bad that caused him to be 'not normal'?.


Then can anyone explain why Venables and the other lad's parents werent prosecuted for child abuse at the time?


and also, while these millions of pounds were being spent on him whilst locked up after the bulger killing, cossetted by the state, new identity and other things has he reoffended again. Not only with this but he was let off with an assault charge and charged with cannabis offence. all that money was a complete waste

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There is no comparison between the understanding of a ten year old child and the understanding of an adult.
There has to be a comparison, something that connects the two, a bridge so to speak, because the boy inevitably becomes the man.
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I know that others have replied but I have to add my two pennor'th too....if you can't see the difference then you're lacking in some element of humanity, not to say, common sense.


As to the argument that 'some kids are just born evil'. that's just so wrong. Society has a duty to bring its young up to be decent and loving. A society that produces young that don't meet that criteria has to look to itself, imo, before casting blame on the young.

So if iv'e got this straight, you believe that a child cannot be evil, simply because it would be wrong of us to believe it?
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There has to be a comparison, something that connects the two, a bridge so to speak, because the boy inevitably becomes the man.


the capacity of a ten year old to comprehend the world is nothing like the comprehension of an adult.


A child believes in the tooth fairy and father christmas. A child has a child's understanding, a ten year old could not have the mental capacity to expound on quantum physics. An adult, with more learning, more understanding, could.

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