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Jon Venables pleads guilty & gets 2 years

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how can you show humanity to low life like that, unless you are one of these bleeding heart liberal people. look at the stuff downloaded. its disturbing that these images are of children as youngs as bulger when he was murder. this man is clearly not the full shilling and he will given yet another new identity when he comes out. who says crime doesnt pay


because if you don't show humanity, then you are as bad as them, daft.


To show humanity does not mean to pamper them and cosset them, incidentally. I'm talking about not congratulating oneself over being so "big" that one can be screaming for the blood of a ten-year old boy. I'm talking about trying to help a damaged child, rather than demanding the child be put to death.

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Couldn't agree more.


Why don't all do-gooders request to sign a petition, asking for safe houses,hostel etc, to be built within their communities to house the likes of John Venables, Maybe even spear head the "adopt fiend scheme". Let's see how well these reprobates integrate, rehabilitate, having been given the warmth and compassion that they so rightly deserve. The moral crusaders can prove us all wrong then.


wonder if babooshka and plain talker would take up this offer


now you are both just being ridiculous.

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Time and again we hear of parole boards deeming folk safe to be let back into the community only to go on and commit more crimes (usually murder).


The recent case regarding Moat springs to mind.


I'd sooner spare a thought for Jamie Bulger who was sickeningly murdered by Venables.


And now we hear that us, the dear tax payer are too foot another half a million pound bill giving Venables yet another new identity.


People are going out of their way to ensure Venables's safety! Something is amiss, surely?


To be fair Ouse, Moat wasn't subject to release by a Parole Board, they generally deal with prisoners who are serving indeterminate sentences or those on long sentences whose release is conditional on certain requirements. Moat received a relatively short sentence for an assault, so his sentence wouldn't have been subject to any kind of review, subject to his good behaviour in prison.


I think part of the problem is that we only get to hear of people who breach their parole conditions, what we dont hear about are those that don't. Without wishing to say one thing or another about Robert Thompson, he's managed to avoid breaching his since release.


Ps: it's also worth remembering that although he's only received 2 years for this offence, his release is still subject to the conditions imposed on his original sentence, so he may well find himself serving considerably longer than 2 years, if he gets released at all.

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now you are both just being ridiculous.


i think you and babooshka are seriously in the minority in showing humility to this low life. like i said would you like him living next door to you

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That sentiment could apply to the criminal behaviour of all of us.


What I'm getting at is Veneables had breached his parole twice, yet was once given a curfew and another time cautioned. Nothing more.


We don't know Thompson hasn't done the same and in effect being let off with what are viewed as minor incidents.


Keep letting them off until they do something serious again. The signs were all there, but nothing was done.

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What I'm getting at is Veneables had breached his parole twice, yet was once given a curfew and another time cautioned. Nothing more.


We don't know Thompson hasn't done the same and in effect being let off with what are viewed as minor incidents.


Keep letting them off until they do something serious again. The signs were all there, but nothing was done.


the people looking after him are partly to blame as well. he was banned from going back to liverpool, but he admitted going to watch everton there a few times. the lad does not care about any restrictions placed on him at all, he has flouted them. he has been released by cops for fighting, charged in possession of drugs, and still people defend the low life scum

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What I'm getting at is Veneables had breached his parole twice, yet was once given a curfew and another time cautioned. Nothing more.


We don't know Thompson hasn't done the same and in effect being let off with what are viewed as minor incidents.


Keep letting them off until they do something serious again. The signs were all there, but nothing was done.

But I'm talking about Thompson, not Venables. Just because one has breached his license conditions doesn't mean the other has also.


What we do know is that Thompson will be under a high level of scrutiny, much greater than you or I would be.


Venables illegal behaviour was discovered by and reported by his probation officer, Joe Public would not have anyone keeping such a close eye on them.

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