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Jon Venables pleads guilty & gets 2 years

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i think you and babooshka are seriously in the minority in showing humility to this low life. like i said would you like him living next door to you


We aren't showing humility toward him. we're talking about showing humanity. It's a totally different thing.


And as shown by other responses, we aren't in the minority at all. Others also think the way we do. Just because you're shouting loudest doesn't make you right.

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The LAW, for a start! I am a staunch believer in the law, and, as such, do not believe that children should be tried as adults.


I also feel that children CAN be given the chance to 'learn' and grow in a way that adults can not (just as they learn and grow much more in every day life than we adults). The very fact that there is scope to do this with a child, makes me believe that we can not treat our children like this. As children, we are still under the care of adults. His parents failed him.


To be honest. I feel the same way about adults to some degree. Many will have had misguided youths, too, I believe. It is THAT which needs the attention.

Plus, I do not believe in revenge. I believe in justice.....and I do not have a place for 'hate' in my heart.


I would like to say the same, however you may have noticed that 'justice' seems to be hugely lacking in this country. It's hardly justice for poor little Jamie Bulger that his two murderers served a pityful sentance in relation to the crime commited and were then released with new identities. Venables really learnt his lesson didn't he?!


I'm afraid to say that the only justice in this case would be for these two pieces of scum to suffer a very slow and painful death, just like what they put that poor toddler through. They're worthless to society, a drain on the tax payer. They'd be worthy of being put down as far as i'm concerned like the animals that they are.

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i think you and babooshka are seriously in the minority in showing humility to this low life. like i said would you like him living next door to you


We aren't showing humility toward him. we're talking about showing humanity. It's a totally different thing.


humanity then, but like i said, would you be happy if he moved in next to you. then you and babooshka can go and pat him on the head and say "never mind, we will help you, we know you are just misunderstood"

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I'm afraid to say that the only justice in this case would be for these two pieces of scum would be a very slow and painful death, just like what they put that poor toddler through. They're worthless to society, a drain on the tax payer. They'd be worthy of being put down as far as i'm concerned like the animals that they are.


So are you advocating the torture and execution of children, BettyBooHoo?

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So, 10 year olds dont know that bricking a toddler, covering them in paint and then dumping them on a railway track is wrong???


Get real.


These two should have been locked up forever. If they can come up with stuff like that at 10, just imagine what their adult brains will come up with - child porn for instance.



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that couldnt happen we would be infringing his human rights :loopy:


now you are being as inane as Daftlad et al ricgem.


As well as a custodial sentence, he's also had an order slapped on him prohibiting him to use a computer for an banning him from owning a computer with internet access for five years.


Any he uses at work or in a supervised public facility must have a filter to bar access.

The judge deemed him a "medium level risk" to children

Venables was forever banned from working with children - and must register with police as a sex offender for ten years.


I'd hardly say he's got off lightly. I'd say the sentence was appropriate for the crime. (what did Gary Glitter get? similar?)

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So are you advocating the torture and execution of children, BettyBooHoo?


Of the two children in question, Venables & Thompson, yes, I am. What more can you do with people/animals like this? They're not misunderstood, they're just evil. Plain & simple.

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As is proved by the good old US of A...it is more costly to put someone to death than it is to keep them in prison for life, due to the death penalty trials, and the necessary appeals. Therefore, considering finance is such a high priority to you, you surely must concur that is would be financially less draining for the tax payer to keep them in prison, rather than to execute them? The proof is there. Or is it just revenge you seek, but are using the financial argument, albeit incorrectly?

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that couldnt happen we would be infringing his human rights :loopy:
True!. what I fail to understand is, why release them at all if constant supervision is required to ensure they don't re-offend? Why run the risk?, Why should more children be used as bait?... or is releasing them, putting them back into society, a deliberate case of, frying a sprat to catch a mackerel?.
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We aren't showing humility toward him. we're talking about showing humanity. It's a totally different thing.


And as shown by other responses, we aren't in the minority at all. Others also think the way we do. Just because you're shouting loudest doesn't make you right.

Do you mean like the same humanity he showed Jamie Bulger or the same humanity he showed to the children whose rights he abused via their images or the same humanity he showed to the person he assaulted two years ago,only it would be nice to know how long the system has to persevere with his rehabilitation...how many more chances does he want ?..tell you what lets just release him into your custody and you take full responsibility for his actions ..would that be to your liking ?

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