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Jon Venables pleads guilty & gets 2 years

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Do you mean like the same humanity he showed Jamie Bulger or the same humanity he showed to the children whose rights he abused via their images or the same humanity he showed to the person he assaulted two years ago,only it would be nice to know how long the system has to persevere with his rehabilitation...how many more chances does he want ?..tell you what lets just release him into your custody and you take full responsibility for his actions ..would that be to your liking ?


ive been trying to ask plain talker if she would have venables living next door to her, but the silence is absolutely deafening

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Some children do not know right from wrong. They only learn what they are shown, learn from the environment in which they are nurtured. They don't just 'come up' with the idea to torture someone. They saw, witnessed, and quite possibly experienced this during their early years. Is that, therefore, showing them that this is wrong in OUR society, if that is how they have been brought up to believe?

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Some children do not know right from wrong. They only learn what they are shown, learn from the environment in which they are nurtured. They don't just 'come up' with the idea to torture someone. They saw, witnessed, and quite possibly experienced this during their early years. Is that, therefore, showing them that this is wrong in OUR society, if that is how they have been brought up to believe?


Rubbish! Are you seriously trying to say that Thompson & Venables thought that what they did to that little boy was OK and acceptable behavior? You're not on this planet.

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As well as a custodial sentence, he's also had an order slapped on him prohibiting him to use a computer for an banning him from owning a computer with internet access for five years.



The computer is not the problem. That will solve nothing. It is just a vehicle he used to get thrills in his sick mind. It is him and his mind that is the problem. That won't go away, it will just manifest itself in another way i.e. in the flesh rather than through a pc screen.

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Some children do not know right from wrong. They only learn what they are shown, learn from the environment in which they are nurtured. They don't just 'come up' with the idea to torture someone. They saw, witnessed, and quite possibly experienced this during their early years. Is that, therefore, showing them that this is wrong in OUR society, if that is how they have been brought up to believe?

Maybe so ,but he had time in prison to learn from his mistakes..he doesnt seem to want to embrace that education

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Of the two children in question, Venables & Thompson, yes, I am. What more can you do with people/animals like this? They're not misunderstood, they're just evil. Plain & simple.


Sorry, I have to disagree with the torture and execution, that's an episode of Jeremy Kyle I don't want to see if it ever became legal to do that to children.


Without wishing to have a go at you specifically, don't you see the similarities in what they did and then calling for their own 'slow death and painful death'?


I'm afraid I can't bring myself to think like them, so doing the same to them would only dehumanise me, in my opinion.

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now you are being as inane as Daftlad et al ricgem.


As well as a custodial sentence, he's also had an order slapped on him prohibiting him to use a computer for an banning him from owning a computer with internet access for five years.


Any he uses at work or in a supervised public facility must have a filter to bar access.

The judge deemed him a "medium level risk" to children

Venables was forever banned from working with children - and must register with police as a sex offender for ten years.


I'd hardly say he's got off lightly. I'd say the sentence was appropriate for the crime. (what did Gary Glitter get? similar?)

You're overlooking one very important detail PT. Mr & Mrs Joe Public Aren't aware of the identity of John Venables, whereas with Gary Glitter, they are. John Venables is a severe risk, an invisible severe risk to children.
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now you are being as inane as Daftlad et al ricgem.


As well as a custodial sentence, he's also had an order slapped on him prohibiting him to use a computer for an banning him from owning a computer with internet access for five years.


Any he uses at work or in a supervised public facility must have a filter to bar access.

The judge deemed him a "medium level risk" to children

Venables was forever banned from working with children - and must register with police as a sex offender for ten years.


I'd hardly say he's got off lightly. I'd say the sentence was appropriate for the crime. (what did Gary Glitter get? similar?)

a bit like bolting the stable door after the horse has bolted dont you think :huh:these restrictions should have been put in place on condition of his release in the first place (but like i said these would have infringed his human rights) you need to get off your high horse and see this person for what he is (a vicious child killer and now a sex offender )
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Sorry, I have to disagree with the torture and execution, that's an episode of Jeremy Kyle I don't want to see if it ever became legal to do that to children.


Without wishing to have a go at you specifically, don't you see the similarities in what they did and then calling for their own 'slow death and painful death'?


I'm afraid I can't bring myself to think like them, so doing the same to them would only dehumanise me, in my opinion.


Yes, I do see, that's exactly the point. Eye for an eye in this case. Sometimes there are exceptions to the rule and these two are it.

Maybe it's just becasue I have a three year old and cannot even begin to think what i'd do if anyone harmed him but this one touches such a raw nerve with me, after what they did to that little boy, i'm sorry but I cannot want anything else for them.

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this one.

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Some children do not know right from wrong. They only learn what they are shown, learn from the environment in which they are nurtured. They don't just 'come up' with the idea to torture someone. They saw, witnessed, and quite possibly experienced this during their early years. Is that, therefore, showing them that this is wrong in OUR society, if that is how they have been brought up to believe?
I blame Tom & Jerry:roll:
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