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Jon Venables pleads guilty & gets 2 years

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Rubbish! Are you seriously trying to say that Thompson & Venables thought that what they did to that little boy was OK and acceptable behavior? You're not on this planet.


If you knew anything about the criminal mind, you would understand that most people who commit crimes like this do not for one second consider their behaviour as being right or wrong. If they are going to commit the crime, they will, simply, do so, regardless of the consequences. Many have no empathy or understanding at all.


Do you really believe that the way we are brought up, and the way we are treated have NO bearing on the person we are? Interesting concept.

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Yes, I do see, that's exactly the point. Eye for an eye in this case. Sometimes there are exceptions to the rule and these two are it.

Maybe it's just becasue I have a three year old and cannot even begin to think what i'd do if anyone harmed him but this one touches such a raw nerve with me, after what they did to that little boy, i'm sorry but I cannot want anything else for them.

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on this one.


Well I've got children too, and still don't feel like you do. If the same had happened to one of mine obviously I'd be devastated, but an eye for an eye? I'd rather use my emotions to celebrate the life and love I had for a lost child than corrupting it with negative thoughts of killing other people.


I'm not at all saying James Bulger's killers should have been patted on the head and given a goodie bag to go home with, I'm not even saying their sentences were long enough, but killing people for revenge only makes humanity look backwards.

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If you knew anything about the criminal mind, you would understand that most people who commit crimes like this do not for one second consider their behaviour as being right or wrong. If they are going to commit the crime, they will, simply, do so, regardless of the consequences. Many have no empathy or understanding at all.


Do you really believe that the way we are brought up, and the way we are treated have NO bearing on the person we are? Interesting concept.

Maybe if you knew anything about a mothers anguish?
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If you knew anything about the criminal mind, you would understand that most people who commit crimes like this do not for one second consider their behaviour as being right or wrong. If they are going to commit the crime, they will, simply, do so, regardless of the consequences. Many have no empathy or understanding at all.


Do you really believe that the way we are brought up, and the way we are treated have NO bearing on the person we are? Interesting concept.

If thats the case,why ?,when arrested do they invariably lie and deny their actions,if they had no concept to right or wrong surely they would freely admit their actions,its you that seems to not understand the criminal mind

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Well I've got children to, and still don't feel like you do. If the same had happened to one of mine obviously I'd be devastated, but an eye for an eye? I'd rather use my emotions to celebrate the life and love I had for a lost child than corrupting it with negative thoughts of killing other people.


I'm not at all saying James Bulger's killers should have been patted on the head and given a goodie bag to go home with, I'm not even saying their sentences were long enough, but killing people for revenge only makes humanity look backwards.


all i would say on that matter is, if anyone did anything to my kids, i hope the police get to him first

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You make it sound like they are beyond rehabilitation?


they had 8 years to be rehabilitated, when in custody, it obviously proved to be a complete waste of money on venables part

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all i would say on that matter is, if anyone did anything to my kids, i hope the police get to him first


To be honest, I think your view has more credibility, it's understandable that people would behave a certain way in the heat of the moment, rather than the cold light of day, but I still don't think you'd look particularly good if they found you with your hands around the throat of the limp corpse of a 10 year old.

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they had 8 years to be rehabilitated, when in custody, it obviously proved to be a complete waste of money on venables part

I dont think Bobcat was on about Venables I think he/she was answering the post about criminals in general and what appears to be a lack of knowledge on Babooshkas part

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If you knew anything about the criminal mind, you would understand that most people who commit crimes like this do not for one second consider their behaviour as being right or wrong. If they are going to commit the crime, they will, simply, do so, regardless of the consequences. Many have no empathy or understanding at all.


Do you really believe that the way we are brought up, and the way we are treated have NO bearing on the person we are? Interesting concept.


I never said I belived that people weren't effected by their upbringing but there's a vast difference between being a bit of a wrong 'un and brutal, evil and unthinkable murder. Please do not excuse the behaviour of Thompson & Venables by suggesting that they didn't know right from wrong. I don't belive for a minute that they thought it was OK to do what they did.

Yes, some people are raised awfully but it's no excuse. Don't be so soft.

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