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Jon Venables pleads guilty & gets 2 years

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Taking into account the time he has already spent in prison and time off for good behaviour then we can assume a convicted child killer/paedophile will be back on our streets in the next few months.


The worrying aspect of this is that he could be sent somewhere near you and I'm sure that all people from Liverpool with a scouse accent, around the same age and large build as he is will be suspected of being him if they move into a new area.


The people of Liverpool will pay the price and not him, ever, according to our justice system. Things really have to change here.

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It looks like a harsh sentence to me for an offence as relatively trivial as looking at rude pictures online. Were the jury told about his previous convictions?


Rude pictures of CHILDREN!!!!

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What bothers me most is the time scale this happened.


Distributing images in February 2008


Downloading images from February 2009 to February 2010


...and he was only caught because of a raid. If the raid hadn't taken place how much longer would he have gone on doing it? Would he have gone further than just pictures?

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The thing is, he has now waived his right to anonimity, so when he is released it will be under his real name.


I doubt he will get another identity and protection, so basically, everyone will know who and where he is.


As soon as he gets somewhere to live it will be all over the papers.....

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The thing is, he has now waived his right to anonimity, so when he is released it will be under his real name.


I doubt he will get another identity and protection, so basically, everyone will know who and where he is.


As soon as he gets somewhere to live it will be all over the papers.....


Knowing that is exactly the reason why he will have to be given a new identity.

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If it were not for people taking that attitude, he wouldn't need protecting and he wouldn't be costing society anything.


Oh be quiet. I called him a vile waste of space. He is. I said someone will get their hands on him. They will. I never said I advocated that or thought it was the correct thing to do.

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