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Jon Venables pleads guilty & gets 2 years

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Although, in this instance, it isn't cold and rational. Everything the courts have passed has been designed to cater for John Venables needs.


In what respect is it catering to his needs danot? He's back in prison.

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This piece of demented, twisted trash should be destroyed be it by the gallows, by firing squad or by being starved to death.


Still, you can guarantee that in today's society Venables will never go short of people who actually think he himself is some kind of victim in all this.


They should swing too.


Perfectly said , and i totally agree.

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As a parent to a 7 year old girl, I can only imagine what the parents of Jamie Bulger are going through, seeing one of their childs killers let out again, only to reoffend and get a paltry sentence. He had his chance to reintegrate into civilised society and obviously cannot fit in. As long as he is out of the reform system he will be a danger to children and I for one, would sleep so much better at night, knowing that people like this are kept as far away from society as possible. Child pornography is a disgusting and unforgivable crime and should come with much harsher sentences.


It seems - from Joshua Rozenberg's comment - that Venables received an appropriate sentence for the crime(s) for which he has just been convicted. He will probably only serve 1 year of the two year sentence for that crime but there's the not-so-small matter of the unserved portion of his life sentence.


He can't even be considered for parole until he's served the new sentence and when he is eventually considered, the parole board will have to consider his history. All of it.


Venables is a man who killed a child, (albeit as a child himself) who was released on licence (knowing that if he offended again he could be recalled to prison.)


Notwithstanding that he faced the prospect of being returned to prison he was subsequently found to be in possession of class A drugs and committed 3 other offences under the 1978 Protection of Children Act.


Prison doesn't seem to have had much of a deterrent effect on Mr Venables.


It may be a very long time indeed before a Parole Board is prepared to say that Mr Venables no longer poses a threat to society.

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Well he's back in bird, after 10 years of supervised freedom, so his preferences are no longer being catered for :thumbsup:

Any further offence he may choose to commit, any sentence he may receive, will always be of secondary importance to maintaining his safety. They'll always be catering for his needs BF.

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Any further offence he may choose to commit, any sentence he may receive, will always be of secondary importance to maintaining his safety. They'll always be catering for his needs BF.


I hear what you say danot, but his future freedom is far from a foregone conclusion.


As Rupert Baehr pointed out earlier, given his history and the obvious risk factors, it would be a very brave parole board member who gave a decision on release in his favour.

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I hear what you say danot, but his future freedom is far from a foregone conclusion.


As Rupert Baehr pointed out earlier, given his history and the obvious risk factors, it would be a very brave parole board member who gave a decision on release in his favour.

I'd like nothing better than for that to be the case BF, But it wouldn't come has any surprise to me if they did eventually release him. I mean, he'll no doubt be telling his state funded victim support worker, everything s/he want to hear right now, Venables isn't green behind the ears in that respect is he? <Which raises the question> If he does, once again manage to convince the powers that be, that he's finally a reformed character, truly remorseful for his actions. what other method is there of testing is sincerity other than releasing him?. They'll give him the benefit of the doubt ... and he'll walk, it wouldn't surprise me if it's done hush-hush either. Like Hindley??:suspect:
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