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Jon Venables pleads guilty & gets 2 years

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The actual mechanism of putting the licence into operation must still be seen to be done its not a fully automatic system


That's a good point Noddy, I think more publicity should be given to offenders who receive very long sentences, I also think Parole Board adjudications should be published, after all we only hear about them when they go wrong, but there are many offenders who are routinely refused parole, just as there are those who are released and never offend again, but we rarely hear about either of them.

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The actual mechanism of putting the licence into operation must still be seen to be done its not a fully automatic system


I've just found this on the Parole Board website, of the life sentencees who were eligible for parole last year, only 11% were granted release on license.



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Eeeek - that's a long post (even longer than mine:D).

Well that's because I'm an old fart and I've nothing better to do all day than to play around in paradise.


(Actually, you're right - but because I spent so much time working - and I worked very hard - when I had to I now have enough time to spend 4 or 5 hours a day in the mountains with my dogs and another 3 or 4 riding high-performance motorbikes along Alpine roads.


Life's a beach - and then you die. But I'm in no hurry :hihi:


I live in what the locals call Paradise. - There might be some 'debate' - but no real argument. ;)


Other people have said to me: "If you have problems with living around here but you believe in heaven, you've got another (far bigger) problem coming."


I can understand that. I walked to 'am kleiner Paradies' today and it wasn't a lie when I got there ... Just another ****ty day in paradise ....one does get used to them ... one of the 'downsides' of living here :hihi:


Freaks me out: "Just another SH one tty day in paradise" - hardly inflammatory, but BLOCKED by the 'swearie' filter ... yet in another thread, a 'lady' contributor is permitted to suggest that another female has had a part of her anatomy (her prat, not her tits) augmented by plastic surgery and this is deemed to be appropriate?


Well of course not! - this is after all, the UK.


It may well be that there are ordinary sayings - or rather sayings which some people might consider to be 'ordinary' (Another ****ty day in Paradise is just an example) but we can't have that here, can we?


Agreed. Which is why I believe that victims should have no influence in jurisprudence or sentencing.


I'm not sure I agree with that. I do feel that the victim deserves a voice.



What I meant by one of the burning issues, was that is how it appears on this thread as there are some advocating that Thompson and Venables should never have been released in the first place.


I'm not the expert there and I don't get to hire 'who says what'. Given that I (like you and the rest of the world) wait for the experts' reply, I'd rather wait than pre-judge. If we're going to hire specialists to investigate criminals, then (if we want value for our money) we might as well listen to what our hired help has to say.


I think that many people are unable to divorce this incident from the crime for which Venables was originally convicted.


I am not saying that every sex offender is beyond rehabilitation but I do believe that the majority of them are.


I wasn't aware that Venables was convicted of a sex crime. - He was a little kid, his Co-D was a little kid and the victim was a baby. I don't understand it (any of it - but it happened)


I don't think Venables should be released. Whether my opinion is considered (or not) is not a matter for this forum.


It would be inappropriate for me to run a book on this eventuality.


F&%$§ it! :hihi::hihi::hihi:


Congrats on having turned your life around, if I read your post correctly.


'cor! I'm not sure what I wrote where which suggests I have been 'turned around'


Not very likely.


HMG pays me a small (inadequate, but 'Perfidious Albion' was always noted for parsimony) pension.


He who pays the piper, pays the tune.

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I'm not sure I agree with that. I do feel that the victim deserves a voice.


That would depend on what you mean by 'voice'.


I'm not the expert there and I don't get to hire 'who says what'. Given that I (like you and the rest of the world) wait for the experts' reply, I'd rather wait than pre-judge. If we're going to hire specialists to investigate criminals, then (if we want value for our money) we might as well listen to what our hired help has to say.


I cited what an expert had said about Venables' release on another post, #280.


I wasn't aware that Venables was convicted of a sex crime. - He was a little kid, his Co-D was a little kid and the victim was a baby. I don't understand it (any of it - but it happened)


There was some kind of sexual abuse involved when he was tortured, I don't think that we the public know the full details - nor do I want to or think that it would be in the public interest. As for the victim having a voice as you said, in this case, I am sure that James Bulger's parents would wish for this remain so and quite right too.

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