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Jon Venables pleads guilty & gets 2 years

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I would have thought that given his record he would now be deemed as an irredeemable danger to children and they'd throw away the key. Surely nobody can possibly believe he will have ceased being a danger in two years time.


He gets two years for his most recent offence. He also goes back to prison because of breaching the terms of his licence for the murder; they may not ever let him out again on that score, but that's irrelevant to the new charges.

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He gets two years for his most recent offence. He also goes back to prison because of breaching the terms of his licence for the murder; they may not ever let him out again on that score, but that's irrelevant to the new charges.


That seems a bit more reasonable.

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He didnnt get long enough for that one ...thats for sure ..


He was not RE-sentenced for that crime, though, so it is only this crime for which he has been sentenced. Plus, as Heading North has mentioned, his breaches of his previous terms are in addition to this.

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thank goodness we had a decent judge in this particular case and he is back inside. he has been known to the cops before this case for fighting and using drugs. This person is one bad apple, lets hope he stays inside for some considerable time

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Why not for gods sake ......james is dead forever is he not!!


and whilst what he did was not right, he was still only a child of ten when he killed James, and a ten year old does not have the comprehension of the enormity of that crime as would someone of 14, or of 18.


I'm not defending what he did, I'm just trying to give perspective over and above the knee-jerk reactions. I'm also trying to work out how would going back to the draconian treatment of minors, like that of 200 years ago make us any better?


Maybe an adult committing a crime with the fuller understanding of its implications, hasn't got as much hope of rehabilitation, but a child of 10, surely has the chance to redeem themselves? Has the chance to better themselves?


ok, so Venables has committed another crime:- and he has been found out. he has been found guilty of it, and deserves punishment for it. He's received a sentence, which he is going to serve, and more.

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ITV news at ten saying that included in the images this filth had were images of an 8 year old girl being raped and images of a 2 year old.


there is only one sentence suitable for this animal .............. an injection.


what a sick ,disgusting piece of filth.

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I agree, PT. We concentrate on revenge, rather than getting to the root of the cause. We need to stop what causes children to behave like this. A child of ten needs help, and not to be thrown away forever. His behaviour was not 'normal'. It needs tackling. And it's not just the parents of young murderers that need sorting out.

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ITV news at ten saying that included in the images this filth had were images of an 8 year old girl being raped and images of a 2 year old.


there is only one sentence suitable for this animal .............. an injection.


what a sick ,disgusting piece of filth.


Has ANYONE in his early life shown him any other avenue other than violence?

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