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Jon Venables pleads guilty & gets 2 years

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and whilst what he did was not right, he was still only a child of ten when he killed James, and a ten year old does not have the comprehension of the enormity of that crime as would someone of 14, or of 18.


I'm not defending what he did, I'm just trying to give perspective over and above the knee-jerk reactions. I'm also trying to work out how would going back to the draconian treatment of minors, like that of 200 years ago make us any better?


Maybe an adult committing a crime with the fuller understanding of its implications, hasn't got as much hope of rehabilitation, but a child of 10, surely has the chance to redeem themselves? Has the chance to better themselves?


ok, so Venables has committed another crime:- and he has been found out. he has been found guilty of it, and deserves punishment for it. He's received a sentence, which he is going to serve, and more.


what complete TRIPE . a child of 10 knows the difference between right and wrong. I know I did at that age. If you are defending someone like him, in my opinion you are no better than him

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Tut tut daftlad, you might want to retract that statement.


Firstly, at the age of ten, the difference between right and wrong is often irrelevant. It is the situation and circumstances in which they have been brought up which dictate what a person does. The 'right or wrong' does not come in to it. Chances are your upbringing was very much different to his.


As for you likening Plain Talker to John Venables......well, I think you owe her one damn big apology!!!!!

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I agree, PT. We concentrate on revenge, rather than getting to the root of the cause. We need to stop what causes children to behave like this. A child of ten needs help, and not to be thrown away forever. His behaviour was not 'normal'. It needs tackling. And it's not just the parents of young murderers that need sorting out.
Can I just ask, what you think it is that makes the desires of an evil child, different to those of an evil adult?
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Tut tut daftlad, you might want to retract that statement.


Firstly, at the age of ten, the difference between right and wrong is often irrelevant. It is the situation and circumstances in which they have been brought up which dictate what a person does. The 'right or wrong' does not come in to it. Chances are your upbringing was very much different to his.


As for you likening Plain Talker to John Venables......well, I think you owe her one damn big apology!!!!!


no i dont owe anyone an apology.

secondly i know people who have been brought up by parents who have been in trouble with the cops and have grown up to be model citizens. you cant blame parents all the time. you must take responsibilty for your own actions. the other lad in the bulger case has kept his nose clean hasnt he

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The LAW, for a start! I am a staunch believer in the law, and, as such, do not believe that children should be tried as adults.


I also feel that children CAN be given the chance to 'learn' and grow in a way that adults can not (just as they learn and grow much more in every day life than we adults). The very fact that there is scope to do this with a child, makes me believe that we can not treat our children like this. As children, we are still under the care of adults. His parents failed him.


To be honest. I feel the same way about adults to some degree. Many will have had misguided youths, too, I believe. It is THAT which needs the attention.


Plus, I do not believe in revenge. I believe in justice.....and I do not have a place for 'hate' in my heart.

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what complete boxxxcks . a child of 10 knows the difference between right and wrong. I know I did at that age. If you are defending someone like him, in my opinion you are no better than him


no, daftlad, you are living up to your name, making the comments that you are doing.


did you have full comprehension at ten years old? Did you know everything there was to learn about the world by the time you were ten?


I doubt it very much. Most normal ten-year-olds' limit of the understanding the right and wrong of criminality and its consequences is in the sense of "I steal this money out of mummy's purse, I'll get a 'tanned' backside"


Were you a damaged ten year old? Or did you have the advantages of being brought up to be a well-rounded member of society? were you taught right from wrong, or were you brought up in a situation where you were abused, and did not have the chance to form a proper view of the world?


A ten year old child may have a concept of right or wrong, but not in the same way as a 16 year old has, or an 18 year old adult has. A ten year old child does not have the same understanding, the same concept of of the world as an adult does.


As Babooshka says, above, a ten year old child needs help, not having vengeance wreaked upon him. Yyou can't discard a child of ten, not give him a chance to improve.


We realise that in Venables' case, the intervention with him and his family doesn't seem to have been soon enough, leading to his delinquency at ten.

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Can I just ask, what you think it is that makes the desires of an evil child, different to those of an evil adult?


the fact that a child is not developed, mentally? the fact that a child's understanding of the world is not that of an adult?

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Has ANYONE in his early life shown him any other avenue other than violence?


i wondered how long it would take for the apologists for Venables to appear.


he is pure filth . he knew what he was doing ,and , if the powers that be insist on keeping him alive ,he must NEVER be allowed to see the outside of a prison again.

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no i dont owe anyone an apology.

secondly i know people who have been brought up by parents who have been in trouble with the cops and have grown up to be model citizens. you cant blame parents all the time. you must take responsibilty for your own actions. the other lad in the bulger case has kept his nose clean hasnt he


Well, I think you were speaking WELL out of line, to PT. Personal attacks are really not necessary on this forum. And, considering she probably did not kill anyone at the age of ten, then it is really only a 'daft lad' who would liken her to someone who did.


AND, when you speak of your acquaintances who have been in trouble with the cops....did they have the same upbringing as John, and commit the same crime as he? If not, then this is not even a relevant comparison.


Who knows what the other lad in the Bulger case is doing? All I know, is that if it is not what he SHOULD be doing, then he has not yet been found out.

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