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Another New Labour Tragedy

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The health gap between rich and poor is the greatest its been for over 80 years and far wider than it was following the Great War and the Depression.




A damning indictment of New Labour's attitude to the less well off in society.


Still, I'm sure the New Labour apologists will be along shortly to explain how it wasn't Brown and Blair's fault.

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The health gap between rich and poor is the greatest its been for over 80 years and far wider than it was following the Great War and the Depression.




A damning indictment of New Labour's attitude to the less well off in society.


Still, I'm sure the New Labour apologists will be along shortly to explain how it wasn't Brown and Blair's fault.


Never mind, I am sure things will be better in this Utopia we are promised.

You can always volunteer as a surgeon or a doctor, when they are all sacked or working only for the rich.

It cant be that hard can it?

Barbers used to do surgery only a short while ago, in the span of humanity.

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It's a pretty damning indication of New Labour's record, but don't kid yourself that it would have been, or will be any better under the Tories. I await the total privatisation of our health service.


Despite its failings the NHS isn't all bad as was shown in a recent survey of 7 developed countries health services where it was ranked second best overall and best for efficiency:




The USA spends the most per person on health (out of all 7 countries) but finished bottom of the league table, perhaps an indication that certain services should not be left to the power of the market.

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A damning indictment of New Labour's attitude to the less well off in society.


NuLabour are merely the Tories with better spin doctors.


I voted NuLabour in 1997 thinking I was geting "old" Labour.


In my defense, I at least twigged relatively quickly that I'd got it terribly, terribly wrong. Many people simply cannot see past the colour of a rosette.


To think that the old left/right paradigm carries on is an illusion. Both main party's are in the pockets of the corporations and the banksters. In that respect, they're scarecly distinguishable.

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Guest sibon

To think that the old left/right paradigm carries on is an illusion. Both main party's are in the pockets of the corporations and the banksters. In that respect, they're scarecly distinguishable.


I almost agreed with you entirely there... had you said that they were indistinguishable, I'd have been right there with you.

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Guest sibon
after 13 years of suffering under Labour i would have been happy with the Chuckle brothers.


You must be ecstatic then.

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