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Help and advice on money owed to me

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I split from my partner and he had ran me a bill up with a company - who I have been paying each month


He now says he wont pay as he has no money but yet is able to afford weekends away and nights out


I have a garage load of his things (about £600+ worth) and want to keep this until I get the money, only a small amount of £357 but still has to be paid to the company I owe


(yes my name not his - very stupid thing to do but you do when your in love)


I wonder where legally I stand as I have been paying the money so as not to get the account blacklisted?


I have asked for the money in payments he said no, then said he'd pay in full when we spoke over the phone - suddenly that pay day has come and he's going on a night away so wont be able to pay me, then said no to paying at all, as he has rent to pay, yet I know how much this is and he will have enough to pay rent, bills and enough to pay me.


I'm not very happy about this as you can imagine. Didn't want things to go like this and dont really like posting online however I wonder if anyone has gone through the same.


(sorry to ramble)

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That sounds very difficult.


I dunno where you stand legally on selling his stuff, but why not suggest that he sets up a direct debit into your bank account paying you £10 or £15 a month. It would take him a while to pay the money off, but you might have a greater chance of getting your money back, and perhaps (if it matters to you?) have a better chance of staying of amicable terms than you otherwise would if you sold his stuff.

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I'm not selling his stuff just keeping it till he pays up, I would like it to stay amicable but his text messages are getting worse!


It was me who left him you see. The thing is the money needs to be at least £60 a month to pay the account min payment, and I dont have that kinda money spare now, where as before I did until he got paid.


Will ring CAB Monday have rang cop shop they say I can keep his belongins while he owes money, but its a thin line.


Does anyone have CAB number?

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I'd definitely sell his things. He's made it clear that he's going to leave you with the debt. Just SELL THEM! And, besides, they're in your garage, so therefore they're your things.


Forget your 'moral' duties to him - you're being far too nice. He has a 'moral' duty to pay off his debts; he's clearly not taking those responsibilities seriously.


Honestly, sell 'em off, before he comes to collect them (if he ever does) and you're left with nothing but debts.


He's preying on your good nature. Stop being good natured and take control. He's left you in a bad position, and deserves nothing less than you taking action to get your own life sorted.


Move on, while you can.

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I'd definitely sell his things. He's made it clear that he's going to leave you with the debt. Just SELL THEM! And, besides, they're in your garage, so therefore they're your things.


Forget your 'moral' duties to him - you're being far too nice. He has a 'moral' duty to pay off his debts; he's clearly not taking those responsibilities seriously.


Honestly, sell 'em off, before he comes to collect them (if he ever does) and you're left with nothing but debts.


He's preying on your good nature. Stop being good natured and take control. He's left you in a bad position, and deserves nothing less than you taking action to get your own life sorted.


Move on, while you can.


Totally agree with this post

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I'd definitely sell his things. He's made it clear that he's going to leave you with the debt. Just SELL THEM! And, besides, they're in your garage, so therefore they're your things.


Forget your 'moral' duties to him - you're being far too nice. He has a 'moral' duty to pay off his debts; he's clearly not taking those responsibilities seriously.


Honestly, sell 'em off, before he comes to collect them (if he ever does) and you're left with nothing but debts.


He's preying on your good nature. Stop being good natured and take control. He's left you in a bad position, and deserves nothing less than you taking action to get your own life sorted.


Move on, while you can.


What she says^^^



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Hmmm, sounds a lot like a situation i had with my ex. The toe rag never paid me a penny back, and if 'd had any of his things to sell to get the money back believe me that's what i would have done. He's made it clear (in my eyes) he has better things to do with his money than pay you back.

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