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Anyone remember Big Albert

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I quite often gave Albert a lift to work in the early morning. I was based at Townhead Street bus depot and Albert lived somewhere near me in the Hunter's Bar area. He was going down to Water Lane (or is it Water Street?) A Police Sgt that I knew (Jerry Broad) told me of an incident at the El Mambo where two men were fighting and one had a knife. Apparently Albert went in, smacked their heads together and then through them both outside onto the pavement. All the other two bobbys had to do was hold the door open. It's good that some of us are still around to remember those days. On a different topic - Do they still have a Rag Day Parade in Sheffield? Remember the fairy? He was always the biggest, hairiest student that they could find.
big albert as i remember him his beat was snigg hill and i was once arrested and i was coming clever with him and he hit me with the flat of his hand and it seemed to wrap allround my face ,bt he was a good coper.
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I knew Albert for many years when I was a Det Sgt both at Water Lane CID and again at West Bar. He was one of the gentlest Police Officers I ever met,I remember taking a prisoner into the Charge Office who was being very abusive, Albert just looked at him, and softly said, Why are you speaking to the Sergeant in that manner, he is only doing his job, but if you want to play the hard man Im the fellow you will have to deal with. sufficient to say that my prisoner went as quiet as a lamb. Coppers like Albert arent around anyone, mores the pity

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I was informed that "TINY" was called Albert JUBB not Bentley can anyone please put me right i personally had quite a few incidents with TINY i remember the night United had beat Watford and won promotion to the old 1st Div 70/71 season and i decided to go for a swim in the old Goodwin fountain outside the Town Hall Tiny at that time was stationed in the old police box on Surrey st "tardis type" he asked me to get out and my reply was "leave me i'll swim home" as you can imagine to many drinky poos i was placed in the tardis until my transport to the old Water Ln charge office arrived Tiny at a later stage was also the charge officer at Water Ln we met on numerous occasions and i always found him to be fair in the execution of his duties i have been recently informed that he is still alive god knows how old he is now i also know that he lived at the side of the Byron pub at Nether Edge.

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I drove for Sheffield Corporation in the 1960's. There was this hugh bobby who used to do traffic control at the top of Angel Street. I'm guessing that he was about 6'7" tall.

This was before they did the 'hole'. He was quite friendly but I wouldn't have wanted to get on his wrong side.

I just wondered if anybody else remembers him ?


i remember him very well we used to call him big hands he was huge like a giant ,,,he was so friendly every one followed him around

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I encountered him in 1962, he was a sergeant at Water Lane and I was a junior in a Fargate store. My boss sent me down to Water Lane with a letter of authority for me to collect some stolen goods.


I'm six feet three and was eye to eye with him, with the high charge room desk separating us, as I presented him with the letter he smiled and said "that appears to be in order lad", he then stood up, honestly he's the biggest bobby I've ever seen. :hihi:

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Albert Bentley,s nickname was 'Tits' and how he got that is explained in the book 'Boopers Tale' I've written and is about to be printed


Hi booperstorr i see by your post you have named Albert as Bentley can you confirm this as i have been told his name was Jubb i am trying to find out his correct name also do you know if he is still alive and well cheers :help: .

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i once met albert in a pub in ford what a nice man he was ,he looked at me and said " you used to go in the marples didnt you ? " blimey i though he has a good memory ,his son i believe worked in the ambulance service he was also in the pub and he asked if i knew anyone who could build a wall for him ,i knew a good brickie so we did the job ,he, like his father was a gentleman

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