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Anyone remember Big Albert

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Hello there everyone, Albert Bentley was my father, he sadly passed away August 12th 2012 at the age of nearly 84.

Your stories have brought a mixture of tears and laughter as i have read them but so much pride.

My father used to tell me so many stories as i was growing up of his time on the force and some of the things that used to happen, his favourite saying was "In my day a police man could bang there bloody heads together, take them to their mother and they would do the same".

I just wanted to thank you all for these kind words and fond memories you all share of him.



---------- Post added 28-01-2014 at 12:46 ----------


I am told Albert is still around but not too well.


My father sadly passed away on August 12th 2012


---------- Post added 28-01-2014 at 12:51 ----------


hI Jack Hewitt - I worked with Albert Bentley in the sixties he was the biggest Copper 'in the world' - a lovely man - don't know if he still alive. There was also a Copper named Jubb but he was before my time perhaps 1940/50


Hello there, my name is Kirsty and i am Albert Bentleys daughter, my father sadly passed away on August 12th 2012, not only was he the best copper he was the best dad too x


---------- Post added 28-01-2014 at 12:56 ----------


I had my christmas dinner up at the Bowshaw Inn near dronfield with my parents. My dad, Stan Phillips, used to work in the police at the same time as Albert Bentley. Whilst we were waiting to be seated there was an enormous guy sat with his family. My dad recognised him. It was a great pleasure to be able to shake the hand of the man that I'd heard so much about as a child, as regards to him having hands the size of shovels I was barely able to grip his hand!! I have been told many tales about the great Albert Bentley, including one of my favourites being that he single handedly arrested 5 irish drunk men and walked them to the police station and promptly locked them up for the night!!


Hello there again, hope you enjoyed your christmas dinner we did, My father always had many tales to tell of his time on the force, my father sadly passed away in August 2012, these are the pleasant memories that bring us happiness on a bad day. Thank you for reminding me of our day with him




---------- Post added 28-01-2014 at 12:58 ----------


I am told Albert is still around but not too well.


My father passed away on August 12th 2012, he may be gone but from what i have read on here today he is definitely not forgotten Thank you



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Kirsty...your message again reminds me of your father and it is good for some event or someone to remind us ageing pensioners of those who are no longer with us...I perhaps knew him as well as anyone from my days as a cadet and then PC at West Bar...1959 - 1963. You will recall that I wrote the book 'Boopers Tale' which has now sold out at 600 copies ( still on Kindle though) Chapter 8 of the book starts with the words..."He was the biggest copper I have ever seen in my life. A man-mountain.Yet he was also the most gentle, amiable person you would ever meet. 'Oh' and his nick-name was 'Tits'"....Kirsty - I am not being rude with this story it simply illustrates how honest and caring your father was...He got the nick-name after complaining that in the early hours it was possible to walk past Jessops maternity hospital on Brookhill and see the new mothers breastfeeding - this upset your Dad - so he submitted a report asking for the hospital to do something about it...that's how he got the nick-name BUT I don't recall anyone calling it to his face!!!!! Take care Regards- Graham 'Booper' Storr

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This is quite a coincidence. I talked about Albert to my mates at the match down the Lane on Sunday.

What happened was some big guy was walking around the pitch at one point and people were talking about him because he's on TV, 'The Chase?'


I had to have it explained to me as I'd not seen the program.


Anyway, my response was 'If you think he's big you should have seen Albert.'


I then went on to tell them about Albert and how back in the 60s a mate and I were on the Kop just before kick off against Man City.

There were five City fans who had got on the Kop and were stood immediately in front of us. They were a bit on the mouthy side to put it mildly.

My mate and I looked at each other thinking it might get boisterous at some point.


Just then one of them shouts 'Bleedin ell! as tha seen the size of that chuffin copper? Or words to that effect.

At which, they calmed right down, and we were able to watch the match in peace.


Years later I was working in a job which brought me into regular contact with the police. I was introduced to Albert in the canteen at West Bar and sat and had a long conversation with him, during the course of which I told him the above story. He was amused by it and went on to tell me a few stories including his dealings with Lol Knight!


Sorry to hear he passed away, he struck me as a gentleman, and in all the time I spent talking to police officers over the years he was mentioned on numerous occasions without a single bad word said against him.

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I was informed that "TINY" was called Albert JUBB not Bentley can anyone please put me right i personally had quite a few incidents with TINY i remember the night United had beat Watford and won promotion to the old 1st Div 70/71 season and i decided to go for a swim in the old Goodwin fountain outside the Town Hall Tiny at that time was stationed in the old police box on Surrey st "tardis type" he asked me to get out and my reply was "leave me i'll swim home" as you can imagine to many drinky poos i was placed in the tardis until my transport to the old Water Ln charge office arrived Tiny at a later stage was also the charge officer at Water Ln we met on numerous occasions and i always found him to be fair in the execution of his duties i have been recently informed that he is still alive god knows how old he is now i also know that he lived at the side of the Byron pub at Nether Edge.

Hi jack. My name is Kirsty. Albert Bentley was my father and did live at the side of the Byron. He sadly passed away August 12th 2012. He was nearly 84. Gone but reading these stories, not forgotten thank you


---------- Post added 28-01-2014 at 18:14 ----------


This is quite a coincidence. I talked about Albert to my mates at the match down the Lane on Sunday.

What happened was some big guy was walking around the pitch at one point and people were talking about him because he's on TV, 'The Chase?'


I had to have it explained to me as I'd not seen the program.


Anyway, my response was 'If you think he's big you should have seen Albert.'


I then went on to tell them about Albert and how back in the 60s a mate and I were on the Kop just before kick off against Man City.

There were five City fans who had got on the Kop and were stood immediately in front of us. They were a bit on the mouthy side to put it mildly.

My mate and I looked at each other thinking it might get boisterous at some point.


Just then one of them shouts 'Bleedin ell! as tha seen the size of that chuffin copper? Or words to that effect.

At which, they calmed right down, and we were able to watch the match in peace.


Years later I was working in a job which brought me into regular contact with the police. I was introduced to Albert in the canteen at West Bar and sat and had a long conversation with him, during the course of which I told him the above story. He was amused by it and went on to tell me a few stories including his dealings with Lol Knight!


Sorry to hear he passed away, he struck me as a gentleman, and in all the time I spent talking to police officers over the years he was mentioned on numerous occasions without a single bad word said against him.

Thank you so much. My family, especially my mother have been very touched by all the kind words. I have to admit he made many a boyfriend cower when he stood up to greet them. Hopefully the rest of the family will soon have access to all these stories too. Thank you Kirsty

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