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Standing up on a bus,should it be allowed?

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Folk seem to 'belt up' quick enough on a plane, so why not on a bus? Mind you, if Michael O'Leary gets his way, there'll be standing passengers on RyanAir flights soon.


Given the amount of legroom available currently, some of us actually are!


If standing seats have enough leg room for lanky people then I can see it being preferred to sitting (awkward standing in a confided space).

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If a bus full of people hits a car, the bus passengers will hardly feel a thing because the bus is so heavy. The car driver will however feel the full force as the weight is so much less.


It is the principle of conservation of momentum.


mass x velocity before collision = mass x velocity after collision.


The bigger mass of the bus converts into a bigger velocity for the car after the collision.

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If a bus full of people hits a car, the bus passengers will hardly feel a thing because the bus is so heavy. The car driver will however feel the full force as the weight is so much less.


It is the principle of conservation of momentum.


mass x velocity before collision = mass x velocity after collision.


The bigger mass of the bus converts into a bigger velocity for the car after the collision.


*eyes glaze over*

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If a bus full of people hits a car, the bus passengers will hardly feel a thing because the bus is so heavy. The car driver will however feel the full force as the weight is so much less.


It is the principle of conservation of momentum.


mass x velocity before collision = mass x velocity after collision.


The bigger mass of the bus converts into a bigger velocity for the car after the collision.


What if said bus swerves to avoid a collision with a car and heads down an embankment?


What if a bus hits another bus? What if a bus hits a lorry or even a house? These are all just as plausible scenario compared to your "bus hits car" example.

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Just wondering why its allowed to be able to stand up on a bus.and yet when I'm driving a car I have to wear my seat belt or I get fined!!


Wearing a seat belt on a minibus, bus or coach

If you are travelling on a minibus you must wear a seat belt if one is fitted (or a child restraint if available). On a bus or coach, if you are aged 14 or over you must wear a seat belt if fitted. Regulations requiring children aged three to 13 years to use seat belts (or child restraints if available) in buses and coaches will be brought forward as soon as possible.


Ref: http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Motoring/OwningAVehicle/AdviceOnKeepingYourVehicle/DG_4022064


Perhaps there should be collars suspended from the ceilings of the buses for use by standing passengers.

- If the bus driver is a bit heavy on the brakes, he might be able to do a Barzan.

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