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Pervy Teenagers in Vans Shouting at Men

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he is better looking drascalmel I should know ;)



oh dear... are you his other half?


im happily married also..... only a laugh... your not cross with me are you! :hihi:


:hihi::hihi: no of course not :D, you could say we are just good friends :hihi: like the old tv series :D

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he is better looking drascalmel I should know ;)



oh dear... are you his other half?


im happily married also..... only a laugh... your not cross with me are you! :hihi:



:hihi::hihi: no of course not :D, you could say we are just good friends like the old tv series :D


Excuse me!!!

I am here ya know :roll:


And here also :D

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How did we manage to wander off-topic so quickly ? Perhaps people don 't really believe that there are ' pervy ' teenagers ? Well, the highest serious crime-rates are from our ' Golden Youf '. I bet most of today 's ASBO 's are given out to our ' young '. Young people are, by definition, immature. A lot of them have had no real education-----and are, hence, stupid. A lot of them are spoilt by pig-ignorant parents, who are too lazy and stupid themselves to enhance their childrens ' lives--------so, it 's obvious that a fair percentage of teenagers are going to shout obscene or simplistic things from vehicles. Why not ?

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How did we manage to wander off-topic so quickly ? Perhaps people don 't really believe that there are ' pervy ' teenagers ? Well, the highest serious crime-rates are from our ' Golden Youf '. I bet most of today 's ASBO 's are given out to our ' young '. Young people are, by definition, immature. A lot of them have had no real education-----and are, hence, stupid. A lot of them are spoilt by pig-ignorant parents, who are too lazy and stupid themselves to enhance their childrens ' lives--------so, it 's obvious that a fair percentage of teenagers are going to shout obscene or simplistic things from vehicles. Why not ?


sorry... guilty as charged! i will shut up now :D

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Being elderly and male, I 'm a bit of a Know-All on this subject. The last time I was in my old, dear home town [ Sheffield ], I was waiting for a bus on Hight Street for about 30 minutes. [ Pretty quick, eh, these days ? ].

During that time, several vans went past me, filled to the gills with teenagers of all three genders. There were lots of ill-mannered remarks aimed in my direction, " Come on, gerrem off, Grandad, " and " Show us yer bum, old 'un. "

I know I 'm in pretty good fettle for my age......and many teenagers do get crushes on older men, but, surely, there was no need for such crudity. An invitation to go for a drink .....or a midnight tryst by the canal.......would have been much more suitable ; next time I go home to S.Yorks., I 'll get a taxi.


disgusting they should show some respect

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You 're right, peace&love-----but they don 't ! At one point, I was tempted to ' moon ' them---give them a taste of their own medicine, so to speak. However, the sight of my bottom, might have well shattered their illusions about us ' well-preserved ' old 'uns. They 'd very likely be claiming compo for shock-----or whining about their ' 'Uman Rights '. I ended up just smacking a passing adolescent on the head and jumping on the first bus that came along. [ Nether Edge ].

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How did we manage to wander off-topic so quickly ? Perhaps people don 't really believe that there are ' pervy ' teenagers ? Well, the highest serious crime-rates are from our ' Golden Youf '. I bet most of today 's ASBO 's are given out to our ' young '. Young people are, by sturbancedefinition, immature. A lot of them have had no real education-----and are, hence, stupid. A lot of them are spoilt by pig-ignorant parents, who are too lazy and stupid themselves to enhance their childrens ' lives--------so, it 's obvious that a fair percentage of teenagers are going to shout obscene or simplistic things from vehicles. Why not ?


I think you're on the money there F.E.


Hopefully there isn't a next time, but if there is take their van numbers and report them as you fear they could have been driving whilst under the influence

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