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The Sheffield Family History Society have received the following request for help. Now I know you all like a challenge so I am posting it here.


Your expertise is needed regarding local history in Sheffield & District.

British Pathé is the finest newsreel archive in the world and between

1897 and 1970, in addition to major world events, British Pathé

recorded many hours of the way we live on the British Isles and this,

naturally, includes footage of Sheffield & District.

Your society's members can assist with identifying some of the people,

places and events that are not included on the canister notes to

ensure that the newsreel history of Sheffield & District is correct

for future generations.

All you and your members need to do is visit the British Pathé website



and search for places, people and events in Sheffield & District and having watched

the films check the notes. If you find an inaccuracy or omission

please tell us the film id and the new information you have identified

by emailing localhistory@britishpathe.com


To make things easier and, we hope, enjoyable for you, this can be

done a few films at a time, simply e-mail us when the correction is

identified. It does not matter if information is duplicated by

different people as this helps corroborate the information.


Please do not send your replies to me but to the mail address in the article.





editor Sheffield & District FHS

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