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North Korea threatens to Nuke USA/South Korea

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That was the consensus in 1950, right up to the point where the Chinese became involved and routed the Americans (under the UN banner), driving them out of North Korea.


But the Americans weren't ever in North Korea. Korea was divided at the 38th parallel in 1945 and remains divided at the 38th parallel now.

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Kennedy had a pretty good go at starting WW3, but he didn't manage to pull it off...I suppose starting the Viet Nam war was a consolation prize.


I suggest that many people were well aware how close the World got to war. Both the Thor force and the V-Bombers were on 15 minute readiness during the Cuban Missile crisis. The people involved with those were in little doubt how close things got.


Kennedy was murdered because of the Vietnam War.

He called for all troops to be withdrawn, a few months later he was dead.

Lindon Johnson took his place, a warmonger and from a family who made armemants.

They made billions from the Vietnam War, and the deaths of thier young men.

it was obvious from day one it was unwinable, but money was to be made, so on it went.

Try to listen to Country Joe MacDonalds 'Vietnam Rag' it says it all.

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Kennedy had a pretty good go at starting WW3, but he didn't manage to pull it off...I suppose starting the Viet Nam war was a consolation prize.


I would say he blundered into the situation rather than actually wanting to be in 'quite a fix'.


I suggest that many people were well aware how close the World got to war. Both the Thor force and the V-Bombers were on 15 minute readiness during the Cuban Missile crisis. The people involved with those were in little doubt how close things got.


Good point, but the 'V' bombers were never ordered to their dispersal airfields. I'd also wager that if the US government wasn't aware of that the nuclear weapons were live in Cuba and under control of a Soviet General, then the UK's government was also in the dark.

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Kennedy was murdered because of the Vietnam War.

He called for all troops to be withdrawn, a few months later he was dead.

Lindon Johnson took his place, a warmonger and from a family who made armemants.

They made billions from the Vietnam War, and the deaths of thier young men.

it was obvious from day one it was unwinable, but money was to be made, so on it went.

Try to listen to Country Joe MacDonalds 'Vietnam Rag' it says it all.


You really do have a very unique historical understanding.

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The North Koreans have threatened a nuclear response should joint excercises between South Korea and the USA go ahead.


I cannot imagine the USA backing down in the face of a threat from a tin pot dictatorship so interesting times might lie ahead.


So where did North Korea used to be?

Is it north of the smouldering patch of land that the South Koreans used to live on ? :D

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Come on people, you're not daft enough to fall for Korean propaganda are you? Last week the regime executed their government minister involved in recent foreign negotiations because he was a bit too honest. He wasn't the first, he won't be the last.


If North Korea manage a nuclear device that can blow up anything bigger than a garden shed still less a missile that can deliver one past the end of the street in the intended direction I'll eat my hat.

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