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North Korea threatens to Nuke USA/South Korea

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Every book I've read on the Korean War states that the Americans under the UN banner captured the North Korean capital Pyongyan, and went as far North as the Yalu river.


The front line moves forwards and backwards in most wars.

The north invaded the south and the UN sent an emergency force mainly made up of troops occupying Japan. They pushed the front line North beyond the 38th parallel. The Chinese intervened in huge numbers and pushed them back. By this time the main body of UN reinforcements was arriving and pushed the Chinese back to the border, where they chose to stop the advance.


I would love to see some evidence of your claim that Chinese troops routed the Americans.

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The front line moves forwards and backwards in most wars.

The north invaded the south and the UN sent an emergency force mainly made up of troops occupying Japan. They pushed the front line North beyond the 38th parallel. The Chinese intervened in huge numbers and pushed them back. By this time the main body of UN reinforcements was arriving and pushed the Chinese back to the border, where they chose to stop the advance.


I would love to see some evidence of your claim that Chinese troops routed the Americans.


Hang on a moment, just now you said that the Americans under the UN banner never went into North Korea, now you said that they did. Do you acknowledge you were wrong?


As for evidence of the Chinese routing the Americans under the UN, the Chinese and the North Koreans managed to drive them out of North Korea.


Buy this.



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One obscenity I do know about this war, is that young boys on the callup were sent there.

They were meant to be in for for two years square bashing.

The war was over, but not for them.

I worked with a man just a few years ago, he had been a National Service lad, his name was pulled out, and of he went to Korea.

No two years square bashing for him.


It was two years, and longer, at 19 years old in Korea.

He came back deaf in one ear, from the machine gun.


The final insult brcame, just before he retired, we all had a hearing test, to see if working in the mills had affected our hearing.

Lots got got compo, he didnt.

It was put down to war injuries.



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The North Koreans have threatened a nuclear response should joint excercises between South Korea and the USA go ahead.


I cannot imagine the USA backing down in the face of a threat from a tin pot dictatorship so interesting times might lie ahead.


So where did North Korea used to be?


Didn't they send a missile a couple of years ago to show how far it could reach and it went kaplonk in the sea :confused:

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Kennedy was murdered because of the Vietnam War.

He called for all troops to be withdrawn, a few months later he was dead.


In 1961, Kennedy agreed that America should finance an increase in the size of the South Vietnamese Army from 150,000 to 170,000. He also agreed that an extra 1000 US military advisors should be sent to South Vietnam to help train the South Vietnamese Army. Both of these decisions were not made public as they broke the agreements made at the 1954 Geneva Agreement.

It was during Kennedy’s presidency that the ‘Strategic Hamlet’ programme was introduced. This failed badly and almost certainly drove a number of South Vietnamese peasants into supporting the North Vietnamese communists. This forcible moving of peasants into secure compounds was supported by Diem and did a great deal to further the opposition to him in the South. American television reporters relayed to the US public that ‘Strategic Hamlet’ destroyed decades, if not hundreds, of years of village life in the South and that the process might only take half-a-day. Here was a super-power effectively orchestrating the forced removal of peasants by the South Vietnamese Army who were not asked if they wanted to move. To those who knew about US involvement in Vietnam and were opposed to it, ‘Strategic Hamlet’ provided them with an excellent propaganda opportunity.


JFK did it. - If he subsequently called for troops to be withdrawn it was after he sent them there in the first place.


As far as being killed over Vietnam goes, I'm not sure. I certainly wouldn't like to accuse any foreigners (as in non-American foreigners) over his death.



Lindon Johnson took his place, a warmonger and from a family who made armemants.

They made billions from the Vietnam War, and the deaths of thier young men.

it was obvious from day one it was unwinable, but money was to be made, so on it went....


Strange chap, Johnson. I wonder whose side he was really on? I was thinking of him earlier this week when I heard that a number of US Senators (particularly, I believe Senators from NY and NJ) wanted answers to questions about whether BP (Or should that be British Petreoleum? - Or was it the American arm of British Petroleum - The American Oil Company?) played in the release of Al Magrafi.


I hope those senators do get answers to their questions and while they're at it, they conduct an inquiry into the behaviour of Lyndon B Johnson and their 'ally' which attacked the USS Liberty on 8 Jun 1967, killing 34 crewman and wounding 137.


Congress still hasn't bothered to carry out an investigation into that incident. Johnson refused to allow people to discuss it in case it 'embarrassed' his friends.


Kennedy had a pretty good go at starting WW3, but he didn't manage to pull it off...I suppose starting the Viet Nam war was a consolation prize.


I suggest that many people were well aware how close the World got to war. Both the Thor force and the V-Bombers were on 15 minute readiness during the Cuban Missile crisis. The people involved with those were in little doubt how close things got.


I would say he blundered into the situation rather than actually wanting to be in 'quite a fix'.


Good point, but the 'V' bombers were never ordered to their dispersal airfields. I'd also wager that if the US government wasn't aware of that the nuclear weapons were live in Cuba and under control of a Soviet General, then the UK's government was also in the dark.


I'm afraid I have to disagree with some of that. Whether a government admits to knowing something or not is another matter - but both the Thor missiles and the V-bombers were armed.

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Didn't they send a missile a couple of years ago to show how far it could reach and it went kaplonk in the sea :confused:


They all go karplonk into the sea at some stage.:D

Lets just hope they dont karplonk where we are ;)

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Strange chap, Johnson. I wonder whose side he was really on?


The consensus was that Johnson was determined to get his "great society" reforms through both houses, and was talked into taking a hard line on Vietnam to get conservatives on side.



I'm afraid I have to disagree with some of that. Whether a government admits to knowing something or not is another matter - but both the Thor missiles and the V-bombers were armed.


I've never disputed that some of the V-bombers wern't armed, along with the Thor missiles, but the V-bombers were never ordered to their dispersal bases which does suggest that the UK government never thought that war was imminent. It's all speculation though.


McNamara is on record as saying that the US government never knew about the tactical nuclear missiles, and they also didn't know that the nuclear weapons were under the command of the Soviet general on the scene.

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No I didn't you just made that up.


So what did you mean with this post?


But the Americans weren't ever in North Korea. Korea was divided at the 38th parallel in 1945 and remains divided at the 38th parallel now.
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