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Anybody been to America?

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I had a friend who worked for the Post Office Telegram Service. They wouild often get calls from American tourists wishing to send a cable back to the States and making the call from a public phone box. After they had dictated the message she would calculate the charges and tell them to put the appropriate money in the different slots

Thats when the fun really started


"What's a shilling Ma'am?"




"It's a round silver coin something like your quarter to look at"


"Yeah well I got something here that looks like that but what the heck is thrupence?"


"That a little six sided brass looking coin but if you dont have a thrupenny piece you can put in three pennies instead"


"Dont look like I have any pennies but I got something here that looks like one of our one cent pieces"


"That's whats called a farthing sir. You can put twelve of those in the box instead of three pennies"


"Say what?"


"Just put tweve of them in the box sir"


"Say honey! You got twelve of those farthing things in your bag by any chance?"


"No Elmer honey but i've gor a handful of one cent pieces"


"Oh heck just throw twelve of them in the box instead. They wont know the difference"


She used to keep me in stitches telling these stories




Hi Harley. I was working behind the bar at a WMC when they changed over. It was hilarious.


Every one knew without thinking that two 1 and 8's (the price of a pint) was 3 and 4.


But no one could figure out that two 8's was 16p. And yes everyone got ripped of with a hidden price increase

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Most of the same worries affect people in the UK, but the same stereotype doesn't exist. It probably helps that it's a small island and that we all dream of the empire (another stereotype), but the average Brit is probably more aware of events outside the UK than the average Yank is of events outside the states.


I agree with that Cyclone, and let me tell you in major sporting events, if there aint an American in it, we don't get to see it. :-)

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Hi Harley. I was working behind the bar at a WMC when they changed over. It was hilarious.


Every one knew without thinking that two 1 and 8's (the price of a pint) was 3 and 4.


But no one could figure out that two 8's was 16p. And yes everyone got ripped of with a hidden price increase


I was gone from England a few years before that happened but I heard that a lot of people were upset with that hidden price increase.


The old currency was hard to understand all right. When I came back from military service in Malaya after being away only a year and a half it still took me a few days to get used to it again

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I was gone from England a few years before that happened but I heard that a lot of people were upset with that hidden price increase.


The old currency was hard to understand all right. When I came back from military service in Malaya after being away only a year and a half it still took me a few days to get used to it again




LOL I'm surprised no one has brought up Gunieas yet. That was a favourite pricing trick on big ticket items, and especially tailors, back then

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Classic Rock I think your perspective of Arizona is off a little. I am not trying to undermine you in any way but you may not have grasped the whole perspective on your visits so I would just like to point out a few things about Arizona for the forum.


Although AZ has one of the largest Native American Indian populations in the country, they are only about 4% of the total population of AZ. However Tribal Lands (reservations) occupy around 25% of the total real estate.


Yes the state does have a lot of barren desert but, there is also a very large agricultural section in the central part of the state watered mainly by aqueducts bringing water from the North. And I'm afraid to say that the Native American Indians you see working the farms are more than likely Mexicans.


The State in general is extrenely diverse, ranging from the arrid deserts in the South to the heavily forrested high country with mountains well over 7,000feet, includung plenty of Winter snow and ski resorts. To the west the state is bordered by one of the largest rivers in the US, the Colorado which hosts the Hoover Dam, Lake Mead the largest lake in the US backing up into the Grand Canyon, Lake Mojave and Lake Havasu where the London Bridge is,


In the Winters the deserts become the playground for AX and California residents switching to the Rivers and lakes in the Summer time.


Hope that helps


Nice to know the facts, thanks :) My comments were purely based on first hand experience of having driven through the state a couple of times on seperate trips, the most recent being route 66. Just like any tourist, you pick up on some things and miss others. I imagine I'd have to spend a lot longer there to get the full grasp of the state. I did see a LOT of Indians there though. I also drove the route over the mountains, through the deserts and ended up at Lake Mead (nice boat trip, shame about the low water levels) and the Hoover Dam. I didn't really see the farms, maybe only from a distance from the roads and smaller towns I visited so cannot comment on agriculture really.

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Nice to know the facts, thanks :) My comments were purely based on first hand experience of having driven through the state a couple of times on seperate trips, the most recent being route 66. Just like any tourist, you pick up on some things and miss others. I imagine I'd have to spend a lot longer there to get the full grasp of the state. I did see a LOT of Indians there though. I also drove the route over the mountains, through the deserts and ended up at Lake Mead (nice boat trip, shame about the low water levels) and the Hoover Dam. I didn't really see the farms, maybe only from a distance from the roads and smaller towns I visited so cannot comment on agriculture really.


Route 66 is pretty cool, especially if you get off the freeway and onto the old original road. Diven it full length both way's :)

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Oh yes, we barely touched the freeway once, it was all the frontage roads, saw some amazing sights. Only had time to go Chicago to LA though. Great experience in a brand new Mustang convertible! Oh yes.


Whoo Hooo :cool:

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LOL I'm surprised no one has brought up Gunieas yet. That was a favourite pricing trick on big ticket items, and especially tailors, back then




I remember those mens tailors stores. I think that old comedy series "Are you being served" drew from those places.


"How does that jacket feel at the back sir?"


"I'd have a better idea if you'd quit pulling it tight to make it seem like it fits okay"


"But you must remember sir that a little loose play at the front makes it hang much better especially with a young man of your tall strong looking build"

(Salesman flutters eyes at same time)

A lot of them were gays you know :hihi:


"Well I dunno! Feels like a sack of bloody potatos. How much is it anyway?"


"That particular suit is retailing for ten guineas sir. One of our top quality lines in fact"


Christ what a blessed relief it is these days to be able to go into Sachs or JC Penney grab a suit off the hangers and try it on in the fitting rooms in peace and quiet :hihi: :hihi:

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Route 66 is pretty cool, especially if you get off the freeway and onto the old original road. Diven it full length both way's :)


I remember when the I -40 first opened I got busted for doing 115 miles an hour in an old Buick on the way to Flagstaff. The car looked like hell but it had one hell of an engine in it. Went like the clappers


I tried to trade it in for a new Chev Nova at a dealer in Flagstaff. The salesman took one look at it, shook his head and said:


"i'll give you a good deal on a Nova and twenty dollars to take that car of yours away" :hihi:

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