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Cinemas in Hillsborough Area - Early Sixties

Chris M

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Yes it was the Phoenix and i too watched Dean Martin/Jerry Lewis . Ithink I also saw Ben Hur and Quo Vadis, I did my courting at the Kinema and the Park cinema which was across the road from the Smugglers Cave coffee bar...great times

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Thanks for the memory. Chris M


When we were kids we were spoilt for choice living in the Hillsborough area'.


There was the Hillsborough Park Cinema, The Kinema and the Phoenix right on the doorstep


They all changed their programmes twice per week and so we had the choice of six different films to see every week.


Tne best of all was there were several cinemas within a short tram ride or a walk from hillsborough.


There was The Ritz, The Forum, the Walkley Palladium, The Unity, The Roscoe and the Oxford Picture House.


On Saturday mornings we went to see the serials at either the Ritz or The Forum.


Happy Days!

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My dad was the local copper for Hillsborough and Wadsley Bridge .One of his duties was going into picture houses and checking the ages of people in there.

I've got one of his old notebooks where he mentions him and his sergeant going into Hillsboro' park cinema.The film that was on was "Nudes of the World " an X rated film.Inside the cinema they found a young lad who was 15 years old watching the film.After interviewing him ,the manager and the cashier the final result was the cashier got fined in court 7/6d (371/2 p) and a warning.

Bring back zero tolerance !!!

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Originally posted by burnttoast

Anyone remember standing outside when a A rated film was on and asking the grown ups to" take me in mester"Used to do it all the time at the ritz...sometimes if you were lucky they would pay for you aswell..;)

oh god,this post made me laugh so much,can you believe a film was given the adult warning if they said bleedin hell:hihi:
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Originally posted by arrodbo

Yes it was the Phoenix and i too watched Dean Martin/Jerry Lewis . Ithink I also saw Ben Hur and Quo Vadis, I did my courting at the Kinema and the Park cinema which was across the road from the Smugglers Cave coffee bar...great times

the smugglers god that brings back memorys i used to live in that smokey den with the one pinball machine and the jukebox....fluffy coffees and parkdrive....and up the passageways with the girls .....by the way who are you?????
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