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England best in The World

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Can anyone defy this?

If not why not?

Why does everyone want to be English,or to to have an English nationality.

All expats wish they had never left

And all asians wish they had been born here.

Apart from our being the best people in the world, what makes us better than all others?

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Can anyone defy this?

If not why not?

Why does everyone want to be English,or to to have an English nationality.

All expats wish they had never left

And all asians wish they had been born here.

Apart from our being the best people in the world, what makes us better than all others?



I love the freedom of choice, protection & safety we have here & the ability to help others who don't have that.

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buck, harleyman and poppins don't want to be english and wish they were still here. In fact they're trying to keep it quiet that they ever were. oh, wait ... I blew their cover. D'oh! ;)


You've got to be kidding :hihi: I still like to visit the old country occasionally but not so much in the future as the family are all now gone.


I could sell up my 2400 square foot home with a three car garage, pool and proximity to the local golf course and sail back to mother England tomorrow if I wanted. The missus wouldnt go for it though that's for sure


I could buy a house on a narrow street with the neighbours up my a*s and a small economy car with a gear shift and scuttle around the streets trying to find a parking spot and maybe join some golf club but such institutions are bastions of snobbery in England so they would probaby turn down some returning ex pat


I'd have to do a bit of shopping at Debenhams and stock up on winter jackets and sweaters for when those cold rainy damp winters come along and on an evening out be served by some sourpuss in a pub or restaurant who thinks he's doing me a favor just by taking my order.


I know you're going to ask "If you have such a negative attitude why the hell are you on this forum?"


The fact is I enjoy a lot of the discussions with people who have a degree of intelligence. My friends here aren't interested in history and couldn't care less about England.


When certain slaggers come on and post insults then my Hyde character kicks in. I get a sadistic pleasure in mocking them and exploiting their weaknesses.


I'm probably a nasty old guy at times some would say and I sometimes I lie awake at night grieving over it but what to do eh? :D

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Die young, live fast.

Even our poor are rich, if compared to the poor of elsewhere.

In richer countries you can live a better life.

That's a very interesting article, chemist, thanks for the link.


It makes a lot of sense too. I wonder if anyone of influence will be inclined to take any notice, though?

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That's a very interesting article, chemist, thanks for the link.


It makes a lot of sense too. I wonder if anyone of influence will be inclined to take any notice, though?


It's a very good read. There is enough in there to form many arguments. :)


I think and write about this topic.


As for Artisan's OP ...

England best in the world

I think, that the reason why people think this, is because there aren't many countries that we can go to for a more affluent life [for the average person, anyhow], hence it's believed [whether right or wrong] that we [and perhaps USA too] are supreme. ;)


This ^^ is also why we see the thousands of threads about people wanting to get here.


My argument is almost always the same. Whether or not you want people coming here, their reasons can't be faulted. Living in a lifestyle better than your present one is what many people strive for, and yet, people who want to come here get abuse and whatnot. Most are doing what I would consider to be a human logical reasonable action.


For example, if someone told me that I could do my own job, and earn 10 times more if I went and did it in USA [for example] ... I'd be one of those hiding in trucks, or in undercarriages. :hihi:


(come to that, I'd go there now for the same money:))

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What to do though? The government have been chcking money at the poor for around fifty years, untold billions of dollars. Still there are ghettos, still there is crime.



As long as poorly educated young women want to hook up with losers who only want them for their bodies and bring forth illegitimate kids who grow up without a father this will go on. It's a self perpetuating problem amongs mainly black Americans


The answer is simple. Get an education, take it very seriously, go all out for college and avoid jive as* losers who waste their educational years dreaming of becoming star basket ball players. Get with the reality. That' what it's about


The immigrants from Asia know it, the south American immigrants know it. The great majority of them become successful by the second generation

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