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Are Judges on the same planet as the rest of us?

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That's fine if you are going to treat everyone the same under those circumstances. The implication in the ruling is that he was given special considration because of his social status.


Completely agree.


However, it's probably more prudent (profitable) for the establishment to have him fighting on their behalf, rather than to lock him up. I suspect that's the real reason why they've been lenient on him.

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Absolutely priceless decision




yes , another soft sentence when it was handed down ,has now been made even worse by the bafoon judge and his actions.


Maybe someone who is a contributor to our society should be treatd more leniently.


NO, criminals should all be treated very harshly and should all be given long jail sentences weather they work or not.




yes they do live in a world apart from 98% of the rest of us, lucky them


Judges live on cloud cukoo land. its time these incompitant ,useless fools were replaced with normal members of the public who live in the real world . Only then will we see good , long ,severe prison sentences handed down for criminals.

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I'm normally all for hard sentences for murderers and their ilk, but in the case of something like this, an RTC - it could happen to many of us. He wasn't drunk, and he didn't set out with the intention of killing anyone. They were all in the wrong place at the wrong time, imo. And that makes it different in my mind.

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yes , another soft sentence when it was handed down ,has now been made even worse by the bafoon judge and his actions.


Trying to think of the name of the other user that disappeared in May who used the term "bafoon" (sic). They had similar views/ politics. I wonder if you are related :suspect:

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Trying to think of the name of the other user that disappeared in May who used the term "bafoon" (sic). They had similar views/ politics. I wonder if you are related :suspect:
tab1, mafya, bazooka to name a few. They all use it. It's one of those made up chav words now in common parlance.


Trying to second guess the sock puppets is a losing game. The mods are bound to know who is who and take the appropriate action. They have internet forum super powers! If they don't it probably means there's nothing to know :)

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tab1, mafya, bazooka to name a few. They all use it. It's one of those made up chav words now in common parlance.


Trying to second guess the sock puppets is a losing game. The mods are bound to know who is who and take the appropriate action. They have internet forum super powers! If they don't it probably means there's nothing to know :)

Surely not? The man who is the Multiple User ID SF Town Crier would never be so hypocritical?:D

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no, thats a slippery slope having one law for somebody and one for somebody else.

IF you make a mistake and end up killing somebody you take the consequences


Thought we already had a 2 tier system, one for the rich and famous and one for the rest of society.

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