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What can we all do to reduce the cost of Council Services?

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With all the talk of reducing the deficit and the desire to engage the Public on which services should be cut, I thought I’d turn the issue around a little and create a thread that looks at things we as citizens could do differently, that would lead in turn to less reliance n the Council to clear up the mess.


I’ve attached a link to an A-Z of Council Services and made suggestions on what we could all do to help for the letter A.


Any other suggestions would I’m sure be very appreciated by Council leaders.


Abandoned Vehicles- we stop abandoning vehicles

Abbeydale Hamlet- we no longer retain an interest in out history

Abuse- we stop abusing each other

Accidents in the workplace- we create safe environments

Accidents- we create safer environments

Adopt a Dog- we stop abandoning dogs

Adult care- we provide care within our families

Affordable warmth- we create homes that provide this

After school clubs-we have more flexible working so we can pick them up

Alcohol and Drug support- we reduce our intake of these

Allotments-we use our gardens

Animal control- we control our own animals

Anti Social behaviour- we behave appropriately

Archives- we lose our need for historical information

Assisted wheelie bin collection- we become a good neighbour and help others


So what else can we do to help?



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"Before the election the Libdems argued against cutting services now, after the election they now impose cuts on us with their defence being they didn't realise the severity of the situation. Can I just ask why they didn't know, because most of us did when we cast our vote."


I expect you knew in 2005 too. - It didn't stop you re-electing them though.

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Well, the council could stop putting up loads of railings in an attempt to funnel pedestrians into designated channels to cross the road, then setting up annoying patronising voice recordings: "CAUTION: NANNY STATE. LOOK BOTH WAYS."


It's a waste of money, not to mention noise pollution. Plus, I think the railings make crossing roads more dangerous. If I cross the road when there's no traffic and find myself in front of a railing, I can't get onto the pavement. I have to walk along the road until there's a gap in the railings, by which time traffic has arrived.


In answer to your question, we can learn to cross the road like big boys and girls. Failing that, we can just let natural selection takes its course with anyone who actually requires a reminder that they need to look both ways before crossing a road.

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Well, the council could stop putting up loads of railings in an attempt to funnel pedestrians into designated channels to cross the road, then setting up annoying patronising voice recordings: "CAUTION: NANNY STATE. LOOK BOTH WAYS."


It's a waste of money, not to mention noise pollution. Plus, I think the railings make crossing roads more dangerous. If I cross the road when there's no traffic and find myself in front of a railing, I can't get onto the pavement. I have to walk along the road until there's a gap in the railings, by which time traffic has arrived.


In answer to your question, we can learn to cross the road like big boys and girls. Failing that, we can just let natural selection takes its course with anyone who actually requires a reminder that they need to look both ways before crossing a road.


well, theres an answer to that then, cross where THERE IS a gap, i'm sure they dont put railings up willy nilly without leaving any gaps at all :huh::confused::suspect:

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...Failing that' date=' we can just let natural selection takes its course with anyone who actually requires a reminder that they need to look both ways before crossing a road.[/quote']


You can't do that!


That would be discriminatory!

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You can't do that!


That would be discriminatory!


Yes, but it wouldn't be us doing the discriminating!


And yes, I know there are gaps in the railings. It was an illustrative story about how the railings could add to the danger, not take away from it. I don't think they make crossing safer, just slower and more annoying. I don't like being forced to walk a certain path.


But then again, maybe I'm wrong. Perhaps the council have statistics about the accidents before and after the railings. I'd like to see them, but I have a hunch that the money would have been better spent elsewhere.

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Well, the council could stop putting up loads of railings in an attempt to funnel pedestrians into designated channels to cross the road, then setting up annoying patronising voice recordings: "CAUTION: NANNY STATE. LOOK BOTH WAYS."


It's a waste of money, not to mention noise pollution. Plus, I think the railings make crossing roads more dangerous. If I cross the road when there's no traffic and find myself in front of a railing, I can't get onto the pavement. I have to walk along the road until there's a gap in the railings, by which time traffic has arrived.


In answer to your question, we can learn to cross the road like big boys and girls. Failing that, we can just let natural selection takes its course with anyone who actually requires a reminder that they need to look both ways before crossing a road.


I'm not sure of the point you are making, do you think the Council should provide all the services listed without trying to address some of the reasons why they are needed.

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