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What can we all do to reduce the cost of Council Services?

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I'm not sure of the point you are making, do you think the Council should provide all the services listed without trying to address some of the reasons why they are needed.


some of us DO try to live like that as matter of course, sadly theres plenty of selfish stupid people out there that dont, so those services will ALWAYS be needed

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some of us DO try to live like that as matter of course, sadly theres plenty of selfish stupid people out there that dont, so those services will ALWAYS be needed


I agree most will always be needed, but surely the need could be reduced if some people changed their outlook on certan issues.


The irony is that a lot of people responsible for the need for these services, are the first to complain about the cost of providing them.

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I think the council should commit itself to providing the services it is oblidged to provide, without trying to filter money away from these services to pay for special projects such as Supertram, Don Valley Stadium, Sheffield Arena & the bid for City of Culture. Such special projects are always underestimated in cost, end up being a massive burden on the council tax payer, & usually mean ultimately, cuts in services they should be providing in the first place.


It would have been embarassing for people of Sheffield if they had won the city of culture bid. Other people not from Sheffield.....what would there perception be of Sheffield? Empty shop units in town (the moor); some demolished & left boarded up (the moor); patchwork quilt roads.....it would have just enforced the attitude of southerners more with their KES attitude to us. There is a saying in Yorkshire "All net curtains & no carpets".......think what it's getting at is get the main prorities sorted first before you branch out.

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The problems you mention Titanic (if we can just all stop doing this), have been inherant in human society since biblical times if you are religious. Noah & his arc etc & that didn't solve the problem. Some people are just naturally risk takers & rule breakers. If anyone can come up with a remedy to sort that....well it could save councils millions!

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Abandoned Vehicles- we stop abandoning vehicles - Not everyone does this

Abbeydale Hamlet- we no longer retain an interest in out history

Abuse- we stop abusing each other - Not everyone does this

Accidents in the workplace- we create safe environments - LieBore tried this - with disasterous results

Accidents- we create safer environments - LieBore tried this - with disasterous results

Adopt a Dog- we stop abandoning dogs - Not everyone does this

Adult care- we provide care within our families - Not everyone has family they can call on for help

Affordable warmth- we create homes that provide this

After school clubs-we have more flexible working so we can pick them up

Alcohol and Drug support- we reduce our intake of these - Not everyone does alcohol and/or drugs

Allotments-we use our gardens - Not everyone has a garden

Animal control- we control our own animals - Not everyone has pets

Anti Social behaviour- we behave appropriately

Archives- we lose our need for historical information

Assisted wheelie bin collection- we become a good neighbour and help others


You obviously haven't thought this through:loopy:


Do you think it would be possible for you to post something meaningful for a change?


i'm sure they dont put railings up willy nilly without leaving any gaps at all


They did on Bradfield Road.

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With all the talk of reducing the deficit and the desire to engage the Public on which services should be cut, I thought I’d turn the issue around a little and create a thread that looks at things we as citizens could do differently, that would lead in turn to less reliance n the Council to clear up the mess.


I’ve attached a link to an A-Z of Council Services and made suggestions on what we could all do to help for the letter A.


Any other suggestions would I’m sure be very appreciated by Council leaders.


Abandoned Vehicles- we stop abandoning vehicles

Abbeydale Hamlet- we no longer retain an interest in out history

Abuse- we stop abusing each other

Accidents in the workplace- we create safe environments

Accidents- we create safer environments

Adopt a Dog- we stop abandoning dogs

Adult care- we provide care within our families

Affordable warmth- we create homes that provide this

After school clubs-we have more flexible working so we can pick them up

Alcohol and Drug support- we reduce our intake of these

Allotments-we use our gardens

Animal control- we control our own animals

Anti Social behaviour- we behave appropriately

Archives- we lose our need for historical information

Assisted wheelie bin collection- we become a good neighbour and help others


So what else can we do to help?





I like that you're trying to help, but on your affordable warmth suggestion, it's hardly cost cutting is it? Someone has to pay to develop new homes, whether that's developers or a public agency, and don't forget that the market for developing new homes is pretty flat at present. Also, what about all the existing homes that aren't up to scratch, how do we pay for insulation etc.


In my opinion, we don't need to look at how we can deliver these things cheaply or even for free, what we need to look at again is which of these things should be priorities, which can we do without all together. But that's where it gets difficult, and also where politicians don't want to take the difficult decisions - they'd rather apply a blanket cut to all services, rather than prioritising some above others (in my opinion).

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