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Does this happen to girls in england?

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I think the authorities are again just too PC to act upon it. Frightened of upsetting some antiquated religious practice.

If i gave my kids a slap, i could ge hauled before the courts, other people mutilate their children like this, and nothing is done.

A practice that is probably done by unqualified people too.

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Unfortunately it is thought that it does happen in Sheffield, or rather it happens to girls from Sheffield if not happening IN Sheffield. I am sure that in a book by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, or a similar authour that Sheffield was one of the "hotspots" for this vile practice, thanks to the large populations of people from countries where the practice is commonplace.

It is a horrific act with absolutely no good reason to do it, that is tortuous and painful and can lead to major complications and even death - if not at the time from blood loss from the clitoral artery then years later when women who have been infibulated die in childbirth or lose their children in childbirth as they cannot get through the birth canal. It is truly an awful and barbaric practice.


I think one of the reasons behind the lack of prosecutions, despite laws being introduced against it, is that to prove it has been done would mean carrying out regular medical examinations of the young girls, so that if/when it is done the parents or guardians can be prosecuted. I imagine that there are reasons with ethics committees and funding why this does not occur in the groups known to be at risk.

I think that it is good that people discuss issues like this because it gets people talking and increases knowledge and hopefully that will filter through to the people who actually do this to young girls.

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(female genital mutilation)

Now its a school holiday parents can have this done to their young daughters so they have enough time to get better enough to walk, before school starts again.

I wanted to know if anyone knows if it happens in sheffield?


I hope not. It has nothing to do with religion before anyone starts :roll: It is an awful form of abuse which needs to be stopped. I can't help but think the scarring this must have on the poor girls in life that it is done too :(


Is there a law that protets girls from having this done in the UK?

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I saw a programme on the telly about this. It was only a few years ago as well. I was absolutely horrified that any loving Mother could subject her girl children to this horrendous abuse in the name of satisfying their future husbands!

That's the main reason for this abuse.......in order for the males to be satisfied!

It's disgusting, but whats more disgusting is that there were (still are?) many doctors who believe in all of this, practising in this country, who are more then willing to perform this act.

It isn't just doctors though. Many young children have to endure being hacked about by elder women of a community who might also double up as mid-wives.

I can still remember hearing the screams of these poor little girls as they were set about with knives and no anesthetic. They would be rewarded with jewellery etc after their parents had done this to them!

Thats the awful thing really........the parents really believe they were doing their children a favour because thats all they know! It's what had happened to them so therefore they believe it to be right for their children. You would think that if you had had to suffer such butchery that you would make darned sure that your own kids wouldn't have to suffer it.


I don't know if it still happens in this country or if the children are shipped abroad for this , but I think it's a pretty safe bet that there are still very many children born/living in this country that it does happen to.

I believe there is a law in place prohibiting uk registered doctors from practising this barbaric act but we all know just how rigid these sort of laws would be enforced.


As far as I'm aware it isn't anything to do with religion but more to do with ancient practises. Mainly to provide maximum satisfaction for the male species but I think they also regard women to be dirty unless this act has been performed.

Basically it's down to education......or more importantly, the lack of it.

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It will be covered under existing child abuse laws and also under GBH. The problem is that parents sent their daughters overseas back to the mother country to have their labia and clitoris removed so the crime doesn't take place here under UK jurisdiction.


Has there ever been a prosecution in this country for genital mutilation done or arranged by parents on their daughter?


Thanks Alastair :)


None that comes to mind or that I can find.

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(female genital mutilation)

Now its a school holiday parents can have this done to their young daughters so they have enough time to get better enough to walk, before school starts again.

I wanted to know if anyone knows if it happens in sheffield?


don't know ,but don't worry, the resident bleeding hearts will be along shortly to tell you how your depriving them of their rights by not allowing them to have it done ,and your really just a closet racist for questioning it:)

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Det Ch Insp Dave McCallum, from Avon and Somerset Constabulary, said: "Female genital mutilation is a serious crime attracting a prison sentence of up to fourteen years.
- BBC News

The Law


The Female Genital Mutilation Act was introduced in 2003 and came into effect in March 2004.


The Act:


* Makes it illegal to practice FGM in the UK;

* Makes it illegal to take girls who are British nationals or permanent residents of the UK abroad for FGM whether or not it is lawful in that country;

* Makes it illegal to aid, abet, counsel or procure the carrying out of FGM abroad;

* Has a penalty of up to 14 years in prison and/or a fine

Foreign & Commonwealth Office


If you are worried that you may be at risk of FGM then please talk to someone you trust, maybe a school nurse or teacher. They are here to help and protect you.


You can also call FORWARD, an organisation set up to help people dealing with FGM, on 0208 960 4000, or the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000.


If you are going overseas and worried that you may be at risk of FGM then call the Foreign and Commonwealth Office on 0207 008 1500 or email fgm@fco.gov.uk You should also find out where the nearest British Embassy is and keep their phone number with you at all times. You can find contact details for British Embassies overseas here.


Remember that no one is allowed to hurt you physically or emotionally and FGM is not allowed in this country.

Foreign & Commonwealth Office

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This dreadful practice happens in communities where women and girls have no power to negotiate. The 'sewing up' of girls is thought to deter the rape of girls by male relatives in societies where a girl who has been raped may be put to death. The education and empowerment of women and girls at risk would be the long term solution. In the short term the very public prosecution and imprisonment of perpetrators should deter some from this horrible abuse.

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