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Does this happen to girls in england?

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Male circumcision happens at a very young age, and all it does is remove excess skin. I know some men who have had it done and they have no problem with it. Whether you agree with it or not, its not the same as female circumcision. I think the links on the first page should be read.

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Male circumcision happens at a very young age, and all it does is remove excess skin. I know some men who have had it done and they have no problem with it. Whether you agree with it or not, its not the same as female circumcision. I think the links on the first page should be read.


Personally I wasn't trying to draw any equivalence between the consequences of male and female circumcision, it was a simple point regarding the validity of unnecessary surgery on infants purely for cultural/religious reasons.


Whether they come in later life to think it was a good thing or not, isn't relevant, unless there are medical reasons for doing it it should be left alone, in my opinion.

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possibly that it is done abroad, and isnt illegal in the chosen country??



Whether or not it is done here or abroad, it is against UK law - that, and it is barbaric, as it serves no medical purpose.


The Act:


* Makes it illegal to practice FGM in the UK;

* Makes it illegal to take girls who are British nationals or permanent residents of the UK abroad for FGM whether or not it is lawful in that country;

* Makes it illegal to aid, abet, counsel or procure the carrying out of FGM abroad;

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Boy Friday, your cultural relativism in challenges to (supposed/) racism which you seem to see everywhere is leading you down some very dark paths. this practice should be robustly opposed and the perpetrators brought to justice, the law is there it should be used.


Tonight on CH4 there is another programme about 'cultural/religious practices' now attendant in the UK that is abhorrent: the Witch Children' where young children are viciously abused to rid them of 'evil spirits', even disabilities, ffs...


These practices are not ubiquitous in immigrant communities and many many years ago, we had our own(incest was common in the middle ages) but they are there and children are suffering. For integration to work, the law must be seen to be working even handedly and that folk to know it is simply not acceptable.

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Boy Friday, your cultural relativism in challenges to (supposed/) racism which you seem to see everywhere is leading you down some very dark paths.
Forgive me, but can you be specific where you've seen an illustration of that on this thread? I've never mentioned race, or racism in respect of this issue, nor was I defending it in any way.


It's a shame you can't see posts as a stand alone argument without appending sentiments to them based on what you perceive to be the personality of the poster.


this practice should be robustly opposed and the perpetrators brought to justice, the law is there it should be used.

I've condemned this practice already on this thread, not only that but I've been happy to clarify my position where any uncertainty existed.
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