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Does this happen to girls in england?

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Between 500 - 2,000 British girls will be mutilated over the summer holidays this year, as every year. This takes place with the endorsement of their families; even their mothers, who may themselves have been mutilated as kids. It's predominantly an African cultural practice, closely correlated with African Muslim communities, as well as some other Muslim communities.


Are you a teacher or a social worker? A police officer? Do you know a family that has put their child through this, or is planning to? Are you the neighbour of a family that does this?


This form of child abuse has been illegal for a number of years. Why have there been NO CONVICTIONS in all that time?

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This form of child abuse has been illegal for a number of years. Why have there been NO CONVICTIONS in all that time?


Because of stupid people who refuse to point out child abuse amongst other cultures for fear of upsetting them and being accused of "cultural imperialism"

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I agree that it's puzzling why there don't seem to have been any prosecutions. I know that the view of Social Services some years ago was to take a softly softly approach to the practice. I'm not sure if this still holds, but it might go some way to explain the lack of court cases?

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It sounds like a horrible experience for the young ladies involved.


I cant believe parents are willing to put their children through such pointless pain.



Religion and superstitious cultural beliefs... please people, stop living in make believe world. You only get one life, get used to that idea.

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I nearly started this thread on Sunday but I was too sickened and angry at the time to face some of the possible responses. I have always been vocal that certain practices should be condemned and tackled openly, to do otherwise is to tacitly permit them, but no-one in a position to report and prosecute seems willing to put their head above the parapet.


From the many attempts to discuss this and similarly ignored cultural taboos with the social workers, teachers, nurses, etc I've known over the years, it's been clear there is a broad culture of denial and relativism. I think it's time more people started getting properly vocal and calling it for what it is - one of the grossest forms of child abuse there is. Even something as dreadful as a rape is physically over and done with, but FGM causes life-long pain and health problems, never mind the outrageous principles behind the practice. As highlighted in the report, it isn't just used as a physical 'solution', the mental trauma and soul-destruction that ensue will be part of the process of submission.


What struck me in the report is the degree to which it is so unspoken of within the community that girls don't really know what they're in for. Why isn't this talked about openly in schools?


There's *obvious* outrage now about the abuse that went on in the Catholic Church and why no-one did anything or helped the victims over the years. I believe that the cloud of silence and inaction around FGM is a current scandal every bit as distasteful and inexcusable.

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Male circumcision happens at a very young age, and all it does is remove excess skin. I know some men who have had it done and they have no problem with it. Whether you agree with it or not, its not the same as female circumcision. I think the links on the first page should be read.


I thought that in male circumcision, the idea was to cut the bit of useless skin off the other end?

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Of course it's not muslim, but it happens in a lot of muslim countries. The fact it doesn't happen in S E Asia where there is a huge muslim population proves it's cultural.




Whether cultural, religious or what, it does occur in SE Asia. Malaysia, Indonesia & India to name a few.


Nowhere near as common as in the Horn of African countries, but it does go on.

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I stand by my comments that it's un-Islamic.


In your opinion, to many hundreds of thousands of (perhaps millions) other Muslims it is totally fine.


I'm not arguing that its roots lie in culture and not Islam but applying a no true scotsman argument to all Muslims who carry it out doesn't help anything.

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