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Speed Cameras To Be Switched Off Due To Spending Cuts.

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my point is every driver will go slightly above the limit without realising


I can't understand why they wouldn't realise - any driver should know the limit and the speed they are going at all times - if you don't, you shoudn't be driving.

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Considering Swindon removed all their speed cameras over a year ago and there has been no changing in the number of accidents, I think this is a good idea. We pay through council tax to keep these cameras up and if they do nothing, why bother with them.


Other more cost effective traffic calming measures should be looked into around schools etc.

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If the council put the right speed limits on the right roads I wouldnt mind. But for instance Ecclesfield road has been 40mph from just after the bridge all the way to The Common for as long as I can remember.


Yet they ahve changed it so its 30mph from the round about to the cross road, then 40mph to The common which is passed the school. Then their is Halifax Road infront of Owl Stadium which is 30mph for a dual lane, what a joke.


Yes I believe in smaller roads it should be 30mph and maybe 20mph on streets and infrot of schools, but 30mph on dual lanes and 40mph infront of a school is just noncense

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If the council put the right speed limits on the right roads I wouldnt mind. But for instance Ecclesfield road has been 40mph from just after the bridge all the way to The Common for as long as I can remember.


Yet they ahve changed it so its 30mph from the round about to the cross road, then 40mph to The common which is passed the school. Then their is Halifax Road which is 30mph for a dual lane, what a joke.


Yes I believe in smaller roads it should be 30mph and maybe 20mph on streets and infrot of schools, but 30mph on dual lanes and 40mph infront of a school is just noncense


Halifax Rd in effect runs through a heavily populated residential area (kids). Just because it's a dual carrageway doesn't automatically give it "foot down" status.


As regards the other sad attempts by Mr Benn..."

my point is every driver will go slightly above the limit without realising" Yes..and camera's take this into consideration. It usually allows up to 33-34 in a 30 zone. If you're getting tickets it's probably in excess of 34mph. So in effect you're not going "slightly" above the 30 limit...you're probably going a great deal faster. In which case you want your nuts chopping off...so as to lower "White van man" testosterone levels.

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I am in favour of far harsher penalties for speeding.


Speed cameras have their place in reducing accidents, however I'd ask you the following question.


Who is the most danger:-


The drunk driver, in an untaxed vehicle without an MOT; driving past a school @ 3PM in foggy weather at 29mph.




A sober driver going past the same school @ 6AM, in a taxed, MOT'd vehicle; in clear weather @35mph?



As I understand it all revenue from fixed speed cameras now goes tocentral government, whilst the upkeep of these cameras is at the local authorities expense.


I can see a lot more councils switching them off in the future.

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Within 7years there will be a black box in every car - road charging will come. VW (and others) are testing currently. The 'box' will automatically fine you at the end of the month if you speed as well as 50p per mile for driving in cities.





Any Tory government worth its salt would put the kibosh on that.

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They wouldn't need to, it would never happen anyway.


For the record, they have already said that there is no chance of introducing road-pricing on existing roads, although more roads such as the M6Toll may be built in future.


Not that many people consider a politician's word to be his bond, but there's not a lot else they can do on the subject except to say "No, we are not going to do it."

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Good news, a sensible way of saving money :)


But the argument against speed cameras has for years been about how much money they generate. An argument, be it noted, put forward by exactly the same people who are now pleased that they will be turned off to cut costs.


Were those people wrong before, or are they wrong now? (Or possibly both, if speed cameras turn out to be revenue-neutral!)

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