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Speed Cameras To Be Switched Off Due To Spending Cuts.

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There you go again. If you are going along an empty motorway with no other car in sight and you do 71 MPH you are by his definition a bad driver. By my definition you are NOT a bad driver.


Neither of us make the definition. The Highway Code and the law does that.

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I contend that if any new law is introduced that the vast majority of people find repulsive they can get it changed by breaking it en masse.



If we lived in a dictatorship, you might have a point. As it is, we can get the law changed by voting for someone who will repeal it.

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I totally agree but that level of obsession with the law must have a medical term, it is epic.


If you were run up before the beak, he/she would certainly not be interested in (what about the other crazy drivers) sentiments as that proliferated by DofG.


£30 mph is a standard figure as are all the other restrictions..they all have a tolerance of about 4mph. Anything over that and you increase the likelihood of serious injury as against minor injury.


As for policing, that would cost even more than the present system.


Going over the limit is not an indicator of bad driving..it's just an indicator of how mindless we are of our actions. The old saying?? Do the crime do the time?


If you don't want to get hammered with fines and points..follow the rules.

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If we lived in a dictatorship, you might have a point. As it is, we can get the law changed by voting for someone who will repeal it.


Which of course would only take a few years to do. Fighting in the streets has been shown to give much faster results.

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According to the Guardian article the speed cameras are being switched off because Oxfordshire county council are cutting the grant to to the Thames Valley Safer Roads Partnership by £600,000. This suggests the cameras are not generating enough revenue to keep them switched on.


It also says "The government said it was delivering its pledge to "end the war on the motorist" by following through its promise to end central funding for fixed speed cameras."


Is it then a myth that these cameras generate oodles of income ? It would seem they need to be subsidised by the tax-payer.

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According to the Guardian article the speed cameras are being switched off because Oxfordshire county council are cutting the grant to to the Thames Valley Safer Roads Partnership by £600,000. This suggests the cameras are not generating enough revenue to keep them switched on.


It also says "The government said it was delivering its pledge to "end the war on the motorist" by following through its promise to end central funding for fixed speed cameras."


Is it then a myth that these cameras generate oodles of income ? It would seem they need to be subsidised by the tax-payer.


Now THAT I do like the sound of!

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It also says "The government said it was delivering its pledge to "end the war on the motorist" by following through its promise to end central funding for fixed speed cameras."



I have a feeling this will be a very popular move indeed.

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If the vast majority of people saw fit to place a burning tyre around speed cameras and keep burning them out the authorities would stop replacing them.



If the vast majority of people hadn't wanted speed cameras in the first place, they would not have come into being; but we kept voting for parties that were going to keep them.

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