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Fight in the casbah


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RIP Chris Heaps. That beautiful service took me back to the late 70's & early 80's catching the late bus home after a session in the Limit or Rebels. Sitting upstairs on the bus with a fag, putting the world to rights with our inebriated sagacity! If I close my eyes I can smell the heady mix of booze, fags, patchouli,& sweaty leather that was Chris A truly beautiful man. I will leave something in the Cosmic Exchange for you. Leaving your whole self for us was a bit OTT though!

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Casbah's sound (as are most rock clubs), so long as you're not being an arsehole in there, you'll get no trouble.


I'd say it has less incidents than most other late night spots in Sheffield.

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I may be biased but I have THE best head doorman in Sheffield & his right hand man is equally deserving of praise. As such we very, very rarely have any trouble & what little there is is dealt with quickly & proficiently! Only the protaganists are at risk. The rest of our customers invariably feel safe as houses!!!


Now there's strange, I was trying to find out what happened to a friend - he got his head kicked in by a bunch of lads on friday night in there - a right mess was made of his face. He said one moment he was stood having a drink with his mate and the next he was getting kicked in the face - after he came round, he and his mate got kicked out....for being beaten up?? He's a real soft lad and it's shocking what's happened?

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I used to work there and saw some really bad fights, however that was when Bob owned it. Can't speak for it now. It was known as a Wednesday pub and there was often Blades v OCS trouble. I also saw the head doormen there targetted and attacked by a group of lads and made a mess off as there were only 2 doormen on midweek and the other was downstairs.


Years ago my o/h and his bro were attacked by a gang as one of the gang thought his brother was someone else. Luckily they escaped through the back but it could have been nasty.

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I used to work there and saw some really bad fights, however that was when Bob owned it. Can't speak for it now. It was known as a Wednesday pub and there was often Blades v OCS trouble. I also saw the head doormen there targetted and attacked by a group of lads and made a mess off as there were only 2 doormen on midweek and the other was downstairs.


Years ago my o/h and his bro were attacked by a gang as one of the gang thought his brother was someone else. Luckily they escaped through the back but it could have been nasty.


Just to set the record straight Bob NEVER owned the Casbah. He just ran it and ran it into the ground.

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