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Fight in the casbah


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I remember going into the casbah a few years ago. There were about 6 of us just basically having a good time. We were downstairs on the dance floor (like you do). When one member of our group took off his shirt. Never knew why he'd done this. We carried on dancing and thought nothing of it. About 10 minutes later a member of the doorstaff approached him and led him to what i thought was either a fire escape or rear entrance but i remember when we followed him outside, it led to a covered driveway leading upto the road (I was a little intoxicated).

At the top was a gang of about 15 men waiting for us. To this day i still don't know what it was all about but we took a right old beating and 1 of our group being hospitalized with serious injuries to his face.

Since then i've been in twice and only because i lost to the majority of the group. Luckily nothings happened since that night and i havent witnessed any trouble on the 2 occasions that i've been back.

Overall its a decent club with decent music.

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I used to go there every week about 6-7 years ago. It was always rowdy and wild, but great music and most folks were non-violent, though I/we had a few hairy moments (classic British understatement!) due to imberciles acting up.


The doorstaff have always, in my [drunken or sober] view, been prompt to act and been fair (I'm not biased because I was one elsewhere!)


However, as with some pubs and clubs, you get that element of moronic and cowardly a***holes that gang together like impotent boys and start trouble, especially in such a wild place.

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