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Cars over-crammed full of children?

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I suggest you read posts 8 & 10.


To confirm that point, and also driving while tired.

I was in a spectacular about 30 some years ago.

Driving back up North, home on leave.

I was asleep in the back, and the guy driving fell asleep.

We smashed up completely.

I got away pretty much undamaged, apart from a few stitches, as I was asleep laid down.

The driver went throught the windscreen, bounced back in, Ear off, chin off.

He lost 30 pints of blood, all told, before they managed to get him right.

Luckily, all his missing parts went back on successfully.

And he repayed all the blood he had recieved by giving it back as part of the tranfusion service.

It is a moot point wether having a belt on would have stopped any of those injuries, but I am pretty sure it would.

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To confirm that point, and also driving while tired.

I was in a spectacular about 30 some years ago.

Driving back up North, home on leave.

I was asleep in the back, and the guy driving fell asleep.

We smashed up completely.

I got away pretty much undamaged, apart from a few stitches, as I was asleep laid down.

The driver went throught the windscreen, bounced back in, Ear off, chin off.

He lost 30 pints of blood, all told, before they managed to get him right.

Luckily, all his missing parts went back on successfully.

And he repayed all the blood he had recieved by giving it back as part of the tranfusion service.

It is a moot point wether having a belt on would have stopped any of those injuries, but I am pretty sure it would.


I thought that you couldn't donate blood if you'd ever received a blood transfusion?:confused: Have the rules changed?

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He lost 30 pints of blood, all told, before they managed to get him right.


Must have been a giant.

The average human being has 10-12 pints of blood in their body. Losing 40% of it will kill you.

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Unless, of course, they're pumping it in at one end of you and it's squirting out of all the leaks.


I think Artisan was suggesting something like that when he said: "He lost 30 pints of blood, all told, before they managed to get him right."

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I thought that you couldn't donate blood if you'd ever received a blood transfusion?:confused: Have the rules changed?


I think they have. AFAIR, before the discovery of New Variant CJD (or possibly before the spread of AIDS in the early 80's) having previously had a blood transfusion was no bar to becoming a donor.

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Its not that some communities "aren't that bothered" what happens to their kids, it just depends what you are used to. I remember seeing in Maylasia and Indonesia whole families on a moped, and if thats what you are used to, sticking the kids in the back of a car without seatbelts doesn't seem risky. It didn't seem risky to my parents in the 1970s when we were jumping about in the back of a Vauxhall Viva.


I think there is an issue about whether such a scenario is OK though. There are some sensible laws which exist for a good reason. There are unfortunately some people from all communities who aren't that bothered on many issues of safe road use, and they are supreme idiots. But there are also some crazy things I see which are no doubt done because it might be what the road user is used to being a norm. The scenario the OP described is one. It doesn't mean it should continue though. I also remember cycling down a bus lane on London Road and seeing a car speeding straight at me. I hope that driver has now accepted that that kind of driving is not OK.

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I also remember cycling down a bus lane on London Road and seeing a car speeding straight at me. I hope that driver has now accepted that that kind of driving is not OK.


Straying slightly off topic, I believe cycle helmets should also be mandatory. Despite stern lectures to my youngest about concrete and eggshells, he and his mates still go out on their bikes unprotected, I appreciate such legislation would impact on parents, but we've far more chance of getting kids to wear helmets if the law says they have to.

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Must have been a giant.

The average human being has 10-12 pints of blood in their body. Losing 40% of it will kill you.


He was in hospital for about a month, at least half of it in intensive care.

He was at deaths door, and they could not stem the bleeding, he was on practically continuous transfusion.

Of his original blood he must have left half of it in the car.

When I went to the scrappies the following day to collect some belongings from the car, it was like a scene from a horror film.

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Straying slightly off topic, I believe cycle helmets should also be mandatory. Despite stern lectures to my youngest about concrete and eggshells, he and his mates still go out on their bikes unprotected, I appreciate such legislation would impact on parents, but we've far more chance of getting kids to wear helmets if the law says they have to.


My mums friends son died after falling from his bike without a helmet, he was going no faster than walking speed at the time.

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