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What's the meaning of life

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That may be true of life after death, but it doesn't necessarily follow that the meaning of life - indeed, the question of whether it has one or not - cannot be discovered.

My answer suggests that the 'importance of life' can be consciously observed. That is perhaps the nearest thing that we can know, or understand.

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That may be true of life after death, but it doesn't necessarily follow that the meaning of life - indeed, the question of whether it has one or not - cannot be discovered.


You could look at a tree, a flower a cow and ask what is the meaning of it's life?


Are we anything special in the grand order of things or just another form of life?


That's the question that has to be answered

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why are we here?.do you know.I don't!!! and what happens to the soul when we die. When we die why do we weight 11 once less.where does it go? where do you think it's go's


42 Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy

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What's the meaning of life - 42


Incorrect, that's the answer to life, the university and everything supposing but even that wasn't the right question and Deep Thought told the philosophers to go away and thing of the ultimate question to which the answer is 42.

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The earth isn't the oldest planet in the universe. Ther must have been millions of them long before our earth existed, perhaps billions of years before earth. I'm prepared to believe that counless billions of years ago beings from another planet or universe, far advanced in knowledge than we could ever hope to be visited the new earth and found the ingredients for life, sunlight water and oxygen and introduced a species that could procreate and evolve over billion and billions of years into first dynosaurs and other pre historic creatures and then billions and billions of years later into the various species that we know today. It might have even been as small and simple as some amoebic creature that could exist in salt water. The very beginning of life


A German scientist wrote a book on the theory that extra terrestial being visited earth as recently as a few thousand years ago and constructed the Pyramids. The precison of the design and construction and the fact that the stone to build them could be transported over a few hundred miles of desert certainly gives food for thought

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