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NHS Staff criticised as "lazy,unproductive,obstinate,millitant & agressive"

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Those jobs would, of course, have been quite safe had Labour won the election.


All the trillions of debt, PFI and unfunded liabilities would have just vanished like the early morning dew. :rolleyes:


I suppose you do realise that the link is from a politician that cant make his mind up which camp he is in don’t you.


Field's political stance has been somewhat at odds with the rest of the Parliamentary Labour Party in recent years. He is a member of the advisory board of the free-market think tank Reform, and of the new conservative magazine Standpoint. In May 2008, he said that Margaret Thatcher "is certainly a hero" and that "I still see Mrs T from time to time – I always call her 'Mrs T', when I talk to her."[6] Although there have been attempts to get him to defect to the Conservatives, they have been without success
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He works for YAS. YAS have a reputation for being useless even in the NHS. As far as patient transport goes if you have an early morning appointment they'll get you there late because they won't start early, if you have an evening appointment you won't get picked up because they sod off home as soon as their shift is finished so the poor nurses and support workers have to wait for a taxi to take you home, and god help you if you need help to get into your house and only have a taxi driver to depend on.

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Well you would think if the 'real' management didn't agree with what he said, they would have stated he's been put on 'gardening leave'. Most employment contracts require that you obtain consent before making a statement about a business to the media. Facebook, through legal test cases, has now been found to be media!


If they don't seperate themselves from this man....one can only fear what you say above may be all too true!


The real management have disciplined him.




I note bizarrely the Tory MP is defending his right to speak out as he wishes... I look forward to him condemning BA's actions against their cabin crew for talking on Facebook, but I won't hold my breath.

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He works for YAS. YAS have a reputation for being useless even in the NHS. As far as patient transport goes if you have an early morning appointment they'll get you there late because they won't start early, if you have an evening appointment you won't get picked up because they sod off home as soon as their shift is finished so the poor nurses and support workers have to wait for a taxi to take you home, and god help you if you need help to get into your house and only have a taxi driver to depend on.


Interesting, couple of questions, why do YAS have a bad reputation for being useless., which part of YAS? as its quite a big organisation. Also, what do you see patient transport ambulances being used for? and final question, after someones shift is finished, do you expect people to stay at work even though some of them have been driving for 9 and a half hours?

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Well I couldn't comment about NHS staff, especially as my own experience of NHS care has been very good, but this:


"couldn't secure a job anywhere outside the bloated public service where mediocrity is too often shielded by weak & unprincipled HR policies"


is ABSOLUTELY true of the public sector. I work in the public sector and it is full of useless idiots and people who go off sick for years on end, and none of them can ever be sacked because they have all the rights (not to mention the flipping unions who will protect them even if they are wrong). Meanwhile the rest of us have to carry them. ****** me off :rant:

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is ABSOLUTELY true of the public sector. I work in the public sector and it is full of useless idiots and people who go off sick



They wouldn’t get away with it in a private company, these figures are from 2007 but I would be surprised if things have changed.


The annual absence survey showed that average absence levels across the public sector stood at nine days - 55% higher than the 5.8 day average of the private sector.


The report estimated that £1.4bn of taxpayers' money could be saved if public sector organisations matched the private sector average.
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According to the Star tonight, David Forster policy & strategy director at Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust criticised the NHS in an online discussion (Facebook) for employing "too many who are lazy, unproductive, obstinate, millitant, aggressive at every turn". He went on to claim some employees "couldn't secure a job anywhere outside the bloated public service where mediocrity is too often shielded by weak & unprincipled HR policies"


Now why would he say that?


This chap sounds a fantastic director, not only does he insult all his staff, he does in the public domain in way all his staff can find out. Maybe he should look at his own competence first before criticising others because he seems to be suffering from a lack of it.

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