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Women should aspire to be a Size 14

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'Equalities minister' my flaming arse. That's one position that could be cut right now and would save us a tonne of money! The government should not be paying someone to stand up and tell people what they need to look like. Thank you, we may 'only' be females but surprisingly we do have minds of our own.


I would love it if they'd put a man as 'Equalities minister'! Can you imagine a man standing there telling us we should all be curvacious?! We should all have watermelon sized boobs should we?! HA it'd never happen because the great irony is that the position of 'equalities minister' can never be an equal opportunity role because they would never put a man in it!!!


Who the hell do they think they are, telling us what size we should 'aspire to be'. Sure, I should sit here and eat doughnuts until I reach a size 14, jog on you waste of genetic material!


We will all be the size we damned well please. Advertising companies should be able to use whatever size models they damned well please too!


I notice she doesn't say we should ban obese people from appearing on the television in case we all decide it's ok to get fat! But then of course some people are more equal than others aren't they? The only thing that should be controlled is post-production of images as that is where the non-reality comes into it.


Stupid bloody equality rubbish makes me so angry. She's clearly no better than that nasty, backwards Harman woman and her 'equality' drive that actually takes women's rights and self respect away!


In short, please just drop dead Lynne Featherstone :rant:

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It is interesting though that, someone is now saying that it is good to be a size 14, yet, on the front of last week's Gazette, there was a photo of a very, VERY slim young boy, who was recently told he was overweight.


I think the answer is that THEY ALL should just shut up, and let everyone be how they want to be....apart from the seriously obese who need medical help....and the seriously underweight people who also have a world of problems. Anything in between....live and let live.

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I see what you're saying bizzle and I totally agree with your sentiments, but it almost feels like nowadays there's an anti-slim brigade going around and chanting the virtues of being size 14 and above. Sort of like a reverse-racism (reverse-faticism :suspect:), which could lead more impressionable people to neglect their health and I don't know if that's really such a good idea.


We don't want to end up like America do we. :D

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Yeah I agree with what you are saying. The point I was trying to make was it is good to see size 14 being promoted as a good thing normally any size above 10 is deemed to seen as unhealthy according to the media & some critics. I have read articales when women who are size 12..think they are over weight & feel ugly because of this which is total bonkers.


Its not good to positively discriminate full stop.

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I think if you promote ANY size, and even if people of a size 14 are genuinely seen as the only way to be (a bit like the super skinny people were a while ago_....then anyone who is not a size 14 is going to suffer the same things that the size 14 people have done until now.......if that makes sense. I don't think it is healthy to promote any size.


Just be!

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Its not good to positively discriminate full stop.


I think there needs to be balance somewhere. I think it is good to have women like the lady that has been used as an example because I think there are a lot of women out there especially young girls who think if they are not size 0 they are abnormal.

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