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Women should aspire to be a Size 14

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One would hope that the minister will see the 'massive error' in the statement she has made. This is not much better than the 'aryan race' idealism.


We are all individuals.....yes some people could do with losing a few pounds & yes some people are naturally thin with a high metabolism...but to claim everyone needs to 'aspire' to be in a 'idealised bracket' is shear lunacy.


Some of these educated idiots... just...well....lets say no more

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i personally think that its just fine. well a lot depends on a woman's state of health and her age as well. for me as long as she's in good proportion, comfortable and healthy for her size then its fine. just leave those super model bodies to them, they need that for their work...hehe

for me having some 'meat' looks better that those of full of skin & bones only. ooops! no offense. just an opinion. ^_^

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And is it just me or do any other women HATE the phrase REAL WOMEN? Real women have vaginas. That's it. That's the definition].


Some men do now as well ;)... maybe you should have gone with 'real women have wombs/uterus/ovaries...' :hihi:

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Women should aspire to be what ever size or shape they want to be.


Just dont take it to extremes please!



Nobody likes to see 40 stone "curvy chicks" or 6 stone when soaking wet "skeleton chicks"



I don't think shape and size should come into it, I do believe we should all aspire to eat a relatively healthy diet and exercise at a moderate level though, health and well-being should be the most important aspiration.

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I tell a real woman through smell, not size or shape. Smokers always throw me.


I know you're a clown and most of your posts are nonsense (;)), but I think that is actually very true... you know, pheromones and all that. :)

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I know you're a clown and most of your posts are nonsense (;)), but I think that is actually very true... you know, pheromones and all that. :)


Indeed. And there is nothing sexier than the smell (and taste) of a woman's skin after a run on a hot day.

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Specific sizes are completely irrelevant. At a size 14 I would be obese and extremely unhealthy, so I certainly shouldn't 'aspire' to being that size as I would be deluding myself into thinking it was acceptable. Others would be within the perfectly healthy range.

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Yeah I agree with what you are saying. The point I was trying to make was it is good to see size 14 being promoted as a good thing normally any size above 10 is deemed to seen as unhealthy according to the media & some critics. I have read articales when women who are size 12..think they are over weight & feel ugly because of this which is total bonkers.


People shouldn't take health advice from gossip rags

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