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Panorama, 02/08/10, 8:30, BBC1

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Whoops, Meds got there before me-but it proves a point. ALL dogs have the potential to be agressive, not just bull breeds.


Oh- and BTW, I grew up in Staffordshire, surrounded by hundreds and hundreds of Staffordshire Bull Terriers.


My sister was attacked by a pointer, but neither of us were ever scared of the Staffies which belonged to our friends.

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But this story is all about staffys. The OP's link says that Battersea dogs home has seen a rise of a massive 850% over the past few years in the number of staffys being given up as pets so clearly there are two big problems. One is that most staffy owners don't know how to look after their pets and the other is that there are simply too many staffies around these days.


If we eradicated the breed, responsible dog owners would still be able to keep other nicer breeds as pets. No-one's suggesting banning keeping dogs as pets altogether, it's just staffys that are the problem.


BULL simple as that really.


staffys are filling rescue centres cause scaremongering threads like this put people of owning a breed which is not aggresive by nature just by nurture, so the numbers of them are building up whilst other breeds (specialy small ones) come and go.


and its not just staffys that are the problem. its dogs (plural and not one selected breed) that have been taught aggresion that need sorting

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How about we all watch the Panorama programme tonight and continue the debate once we have the facts at our disposal?


Meds and I help rescue and foster dogs-do you? I doubt there's much the programme will tell either of us that we don't already know. I'd be happy to accompany you to the pound one day, so you can see for yourself? All those dogs, the vast majority of which are staffs, who have done nothing wrong, other then to be born the "wrong" breed.

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How about we all watch the Panorama programme tonight and continue the debate once we have the facts at our disposal?


i have a staffy and have been around many others the programe isnt going to teach me anything about the BREED i am not already aware of. it may teach me something about the dog in question (dog not breed) that is unique to that dog

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Surely a responsible dog owner would not choose an aggressive breed like a staffy in the first place when there are so many friendlier, gentler breeds of dogs in need of a loving home?


The simple solution would be to make breeding staffies a criminal offence. People that already own one would be able to keep theirs but if they had pups would be forced to have them PTS . Within 10 years our country would be staffy-free and the problem would be solved.


:loopy: Bangs head on desk.


Anyone using this comment should not be allowed a dog. It shows a complete lack of understanding of dogs!

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I don't think all Staffies are a problem or even all Staffie owners. It's unfortunate that Staffies have become the weapon of choice for street thugs and gangs (that is not to say all Staffie owners are street thugs btw). If it wasn't Staffies, it would be boxer dogs, if it wasn't boxers it would be rottweilers etc.

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Correct me if I am wrong but didn't we have this pitchfork mentality against Rottweilers a few years ago? :huh:


yep and a while before that it was even german shepards


funny how now the know it all but know nothing loud mouths have accepted that there lovely family dogs now theres a new breed to sink there teeth into. the question i have is who really are the animals the loving family dogs or the "pack of wolfs hungry for blood and wanting said breed killed"

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Sadly my eyes are already completely open when it comes to how many dogs and cats in this country are being bred just to be put to sleep when no home can be found for them.


I do practical volunteering roles with 5 animal charities and I didn't find the figures released today at all surprising. It's very shocking and sad, but it's not surprising. It's all the more shocking that so many people neither know nor care where the animals that they breed end up.


I don't think I will be watching the programme tonight. I'm upset enough by how many people treat their animals and this won't change any of that.


While the programme is on I think I'll ring my two new owners who adopted 9 year old German Shepherds yesterday to see how they're getting on with their new housemates instead. At least that's doing something positive rather than just wallowing in how bad things are.

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