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Panorama, 02/08/10, 8:30, BBC1

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This is a sad state of affairs, thousands of healthy dogs being put down, because they are too aggressive to rehome. These are mainly "status" "hard" dogs like staffies that chavvy scutters like to have to make themselves look "hard", even though in the right environment they can make lovely pets.


Is it about time they brought in dog licences for certain breeds like staffies to prevent the chav scum from having them? Nobody with a criminal record relating to violence, theft or drugs should be allowed to have one. They should all be microchipped, registered to an owner, and the owner made to pay for rehoming costs or destruction costs if it ever ends up in an animal shelter, then also banned from owning further animals.


They should also take a DNA swab from the dog, so if it ever attacks anyone or rips another dog to shreds, the saliva can be tested and traced then the owners prosecuted.





that won't help because when we did have dog licences in this country only responsible owners bought them. and they were only the equivalent of 37.5pence then

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Panorama is showing tonight the effect that some of our "society" is having on one of our most beloved friends, and it raises awareness, and brings to the fore front the problems certain organisations are facing everyday.


This programme is not to be missed, there are wonderfull people out there fighting an ever loosing battle and they need the help of everyone to bring awareness to help work towards clmbing the endless ladder to start to resolve this situation.


Please watch this because all these organisations live in hope that this will be the begining of a better more happier future for all concerned.

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so your saying all council house dwellers are chavs? (infact most of the idiots i have come into contact with lately have been the children of families from ecclesall road south who all seem to think they are bad man gangsters driving around in mummys or daddys car).

so only people who can afford a mortgage should be allowed pets? take the stick out of your backside please


A sweeping generalisation but I get estate traffic coming past my door from Costcutter opening ime to pub closing time and I estimate that half of the dogs passing are Staffies and in the company of males under 30.

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Panorama is showing tonight the effect that some of our "society" is having on one of our most beloved friends, and it raises awareness, and brings to the fore front the problems certain organisations are facing everyday.


This programme is not to be missed, there are wonderfull people out there fighting an ever loosing battle and they need the help of everyone to bring awareness to help work towards clmbing the endless ladder to start to resolve this situation.


Please watch this because all these organisations live in hope that this will be the begining of a better more happier future for all concerned.


i have no idea what your talking about apart from its on at 8:30 :huh:

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Just heard on the teatime news that Battersea Dogs Home has been putting hundreds of dogs down in the last 12 months. They say that the victims are the aggressive ones that they can't rehome as trustworthy. Sad fact, but those dogs weren't born bad; the "controllers" of these dogs ( can't use the word "owner" ) should be present when their "pet" meets its' maker and realise part of the consequences of their actions. Can't type what I really feel, but I know where the syringe should really go!!!! Of course, the situation has been aggravated by people having to give up their pets because of the recession, so there is less space for everyone. Big business might be coming out of the dark time but for the rest of us, we are well in and sinking!

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Correct me if I am wrong but didn't we have this pitchfork mentality against Rottweilers a few years ago? :huh:


Yes, this is true, over the 70's,80's and 90's we've had Dobermans,German Shephards and Rottweilers all deemed 'devil dog's'. The difference is that in those times breeders were not so common and they mostly made an effort to breed out the aggression and chose potential owners carefully. What's happening now is that every tom,dick or harry with a staffy see's it as a licence to print money without thinking of the consequences to the breed.

It is such a shame as on the whole they are a lovely breed but we have a huge problem on our hands now. Ireland has proven that licences don't work -they have a higher rate of stray dogs and destruction than the UK does. In fact many of the dogs on death row in Ireland get bought over here for a 2nd chance.

I don't know what the solution is except maybe tougher legislation over breeding staffies (and other potential status breeds) and blanket ban on breeding them for the next 5 years until the problem gets under control.

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i hate staffies, they are stupid, clumsy etc but i blame the people who breed them, i dont blame the dog......i would never keep a staffy, but then i would never keep a jack russel, a yorkie or a poodle but i know which of them i would trust around children the most.

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