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Panorama, 02/08/10, 8:30, BBC1

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I can't understand why this thread has been moved into the pet section when it was being commented on by so many of the 'general' section previously. By moving this into the pet section, where most people on here already are aware of the problems of staffies, all this is doing is yet again - sweeping this under the carpet. Us 'pet' people are more than happy to comment on the thread elsewhere.


Can this be moved back to where it received most of the comments please?


I commend Battersea and Panorama for raising this on tv. Too often this is swept under the carpet so nobody sees what goes on behind the puppy farm or back street door.

I believe all dogs should have to be given a PASSPORT FROM BIRTH. Registered - just like a horse is. Everything should be noted on there - from birth to illnesses, to insurance, to death. Any behavioural issues seen - and treatment recognised.


Microchipping should be mandatory at birth - with insurance provided initially from the breeder for the first few months, then all dogs, must be insured for life.


If this was law - just like the cars - the majority of pet owners wouldn't buy any dog without a passport. If dogs had to have the breeders details on there for life, and the owners details changed - there is a full history recorded. Any money made by the registration - would go towards supporting the microchip loging.


Any dog ending up in rescue, in a dog pound, in an accident - would initially be reported to the owner AND the breeder - with both taking their share of responsibility.


I bet this would cut down on the breeders - who breed for the next best show dog or the next few hundred quid.


How the guy managed to get £250 or £350 for those staffy x puppies, i can't believe. We can't get £100 for one thats neutered, fully vaccinated, microchipped, flead and wormed.


I am pleased this had an airing and I hope Battersea will be treated well for their involvement. They aren't the problem, they like us are trying to pick up the pieces of others for the people who are breeding these dogs who have no future.

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I can't understand why this thread has been moved into the pet section when it was being commented on by so many of the 'general' section previously. By moving this into the pet section, where most people on here already are aware of the problems of staffies, all this is doing is yet again - sweeping this under the carpet. Us 'pet' people are more than happy to comment on the thread elsewhere.


Can this be moved back to where it received most of the comments please?


I commend Battersea and Panorama for raising this on tv. Too often this is swept under the carpet so nobody sees what goes on behind the puppy farm or back street door.

I believe all dogs should have to be given a PASSPORT FROM BIRTH. Registered - just like a horse is. Everything should be noted on there - from birth to illnesses, to insurance, to death. Any behavioural issues seen - and treatment recognised.


Microchipping should be mandatory at birth - with insurance provided initially from the breeder for the first few months, then all dogs, must be insured for life.


If this was law - just like the cars - the majority of pet owners wouldn't buy any dog without a passport. If dogs had to have the breeders details on there for life, and the owners details changed - there is a full history recorded. Any money made by the registration - would go towards supporting the microchip loging.


Any dog ending up in rescue, in a dog pound, in an accident - would initially be reported to the owner AND the breeder - with both taking their share of responsibility.


I bet this would cut down on the breeders - who breed for the next best show dog or the next few hundred quid.


How the guy managed to get £250 or £350 for those staffy x puppies, i can't believe. We can't get £100 for one thats neutered, fully vaccinated, microchipped, flead and wormed.


I am pleased this had an airing and I hope Battersea will be treated well for their involvement. They aren't the problem, they like us are trying to pick up the pieces of others for the people who are breeding these dogs who have no future.


there was a small piece on this morning last week aswell. a vet had a little girl walk a staffy over whilst he explained how rescue centres are full of them and they make fantastic family pets and are one of the more suitable breeds with children.


when i got my arnold i paid about £115 for him (chipped injections neutered) from a rescue centre but yet a quick search on line and there was staff pups for £100 my initial thoughts were well theres so many in rescue already that freeing up another kennel means another dog can be taken of death row and hopefully find a home. shame more people dont think that way though :(


i honestly think breeders should have to be registered and licened and anyone ilegaly breeding should recieve hefty fines (money to dog rescue centres) and repeat offenders a prison sentance! if theres a real repercussion they might think twice.

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I can't understand why this thread has been moved into the pet section when it was being commented on by so many of the 'general' section previously..
Strictly speaking it should have been moved to Entertainment Chat, if they were following their own rules. I was told that ages ago when I started a thread about women in Afghanistan being forced to wear the burqa. Because it was prompted by a TV prog!


I agree with your comments on the rest of your post, though. They could employ the RSPCA to police it, kill two birds with one stome. A lot of the problems they deal with might be ameliorated by a proper licencing method?

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Here here to moving the thread, I really did try and get the message through to the many others who do not follow the pet section with no mention of dogs, they still moved it...How about for everyone born, they get the responsibility of putting the next 10 at risk to sleep, as if they dont care who they go to, then it will probably be taking thier place in a few months time anyway. I only wish they had also shown a few of the other breeds in rescue as it may have given the impression there are only staffs, yes as we all know a large percentage are but wish they had shown all the other breeds that are at risk too.

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I agree it should be moved back to the general section. People need to know about this - and people in the pet section are already aware of it.


It might sound awful but I was really glad it actually showed the dog being put to sleep - 'bout time people saw the reality of it and not shy away from the grizzly result of overbreeding.

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I am glad to see that dog rescues are taking dog aggressive dogs and having them pts. Like they said on the programme it is unfair on everyone. I think more rescue dogs should be pts personally, a veiw that is disliked by many but I think it is is so unfair on a dog to live in kennels for months on end and that dogs with questionable behaviour are rehomed by some rescues (I'm including large name rescues here!) I would like to point out this is not a dig at rescues, they do an amazing job, something I could never do and should not have to pick up the pieces in the first place.


As much as I love my dog he should never have been rehomed. I've nearly turned him around, it's taken two years and hours of training classes, I still spend 5 hours a week in training classes and constant training. Brandy the dog pts seemed like a complete angel compared to how mine behaved around dogs when we got him. I still don't know if we made the correct choice not to have him pts ourselves :(


A very sad programme. I am personally not for the dog licence, my dog is insuranced, chipped, neuted and vaccinated. The people who don't bother still will be irresponsible and not bother, but decent dog owners will have to pay for the things we already do.

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Many good points here

I think it should be moved the General Discussions, because it is 'a general discussion'. Many of the people out there who are breeding these dogs, will be on the general forum, but not dream of coming into pet section. This problem is a huge problem in Sheffield. It is rate payers money that is having to fund this 'mopp up' at the council too. The staff there don't want to have to do this - nor do any douncil - and why should they?


The only people making money out of dogs are those that are at the root of the problem - the breeders. Whether good or bad - they are still the only people who receive the income. The Council, the Rescues and the vets - all get the bad stuff afterwards - the breeders? well they are long gone and pocketed their ill gotten gains.


I'm not slating off the decent breeders here either - those that love their breed - whatever it is, and only breed for when their is a need for that dog. If i have a cavalier into rescue (which i never do i hasten to add) ,I could find a home for it within a few days. A scraggy mongrel -? gone in days too - its the breeders of these big dominant and agressive breeds that really have no homes wanting them.


Everyone loves them when they are puppies - but those puppies need work putting into them for them to become good all round sociable dogs. Effort that many people can't be bothered to do.


I love staffies, mastiff's and all bull breeds. With people - most of these dogs are great. However, I've seen dogs ripped to pieces by other dogs, and nobody wants to be rehoming a fighter - but it is heartbreakking to be able to tell what it is that causes these dogs to fight.


Push for the passport and total ownership by owner and breeder. Never mind DEFRA saying they are still open for any suggestions. Do what they are paid to do - analyse and come up with a solution - not sit on the fence and allow this constant killing to continue.

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Push for the passport and total ownership by owner and breeder. Never mind DEFRA saying they are still open for any suggestions. Do what they are paid to do - analyse and come up with a solution - not sit on the fence and allow this constant killing to continue.


I'm a bit cynical about a dog passport. I think it will give authority to prosecute owners that don't have one but do you reckon it would also lead to a compulsory pts of the dog too? I can only see it working if this is the case....maybe that is what is needed to make people realise how important a pet passport would be to their dog to ensure the majority have one.

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Amazingly when contacted today by an associate rescue kennels with an offer of 5 spaces for pts dogs, Battersea have no dogs imminently in danger and available.

Hmmmm - do they expect Joe Public to rush to the gates i wonder.

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