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Zeugma Iki - Review


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To be fair, it read to me like someone who has read a lot of restaurant reviews, but not quite got it down pat when it comes to writing one.... trying to be a bit clever - ie: Tzatziki is as much Turkish as it is Greek - a regular part of meze pretty much anywhere east of Italy. And as that Bulgarian chap says, waffling about covers, and referencing other reviews just reads fussily.


Although as a parent of a young child, who no longer gets to go out to eat, at least not anywhere aside from 'family' pubs and boil in a bag chain joints, exclusively due to our intolerant attitude towards children in the UK, maybe i just lost interest.


What i can take from this review is that Mediterranean people might be able to open an authentic restaurant for the people of Sheffield, but that the people of Sheffield can't have a Mediterranean attitude towards food and families to go with it.


I'll stick with the other 'ignorant' parent types and try the food myself to find out what it's like. ;D

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To be fair the review is a little poncey :hihi:


I mean


it is not trying too hard to be Turkish, nor is it ignorant of the fact that its mainstay is, of course, Turkish cuisine


Also who uses language like


At first, the an incorrect meal was brought to the table but this was quickly remedied


This in particular made me chuckle


There were many glances across to the ignorant parents from people on all sides but it still took an inordinate amount of time for either parent to take it upon themselves to take the child away from the table.


imagining 'hmph, huh, chunter chunter, glance glance' from reviewer and 'dining companions'.

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imagining 'hmph, huh, chunter chunter, glance glance' from reviewer and 'dining companions'.


haha - indeed.


I find it desperately sad. a couple of weeks ago, we met up with some friends, who also have a youngster.


Knowing that kids are essentially unwelcome in restaurants unless they can be completely silent, and preferably invisible, we ate at a Frankie and Benny's.


It was about 6.45 in the afternoon, the place was empty (world cup final day), and the place actively encourages small kids (complimentary crayons etc). despite all that, the only other occupied table, a good 30 feet away, kept twitching and fussing when either of our sprogs made a peep. and by that, i mean laughing, talking (or even gurgling), just normal, well behaved noise. at one point our daughter laughed, and we overhead a 'for crying out loud' from them.


It shows us up for what we are in this country - sociologically intolerant. i love a 'grown up' night, and i wouldn't want to take my kid to a silver service, Michelin starred restaurant, but in a normal, provincial diner, get some perspective and appreciate that you were a kid once too!

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I remember another reviewer on here once who devoted an entire paragraph to the nuances of male/female courgette flowers for no particular reason, it's not necessary.


I think the female ones stick cause instant death if handled harshly, whilst the males only become edible after a good battering :hihi:

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Wow, it seems people appear to have taken my review for something other than what it is and that is solely my opinion on the restaurant. I never attested to it being a "new" restaurant - rather it was my first time eating there and so I cannot discuss its history.


I am not being paid to write this so why the extensive critique? It is quite simply a throwaway review if you have already made your mind up on the restaurant although it may be of interest to someone who is interested in eating at the restaurant.


Never did I once pretend to be a "restaurant expert". I point to the remark made about being proud to be thick - "covers" is used frequently by people other than restaurateurs and I am not going to apologise for a more diverse vocabulary than some of you here appear comfortable with.


I am absolutely child-friendly and I don't find myself scoffing at families in restaurants unless they are being utterly ignorant. Children cry, children play, children scream - all of these things are of absolutely no bother to me - when it is incessant for almost ten minutes, any parent must be either embarrassed or socially aware enough to understand maybe it is time to take the child away for a moment to try and stop them crying as opposed to sitting there eating their meal in absolute ignorance of the child.


Take what you want from the review - those who feel my language is flowery must also understand that is a matter of taste and I never intended for this to be a piece of creative writing subjected to critique. I'm bewildered as to why some of you insisted on reading the entire review as the nature of the writing surely gave itself away after the first paragraph. Nevermind, I suppose there'll always be pillocks amongst us...

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touchy - just giving you feedback mate - that's what you open yourself up to if you post on an open forum!


and if you write something pottentially provocative, don't get a stop on if you get a bite.




A. Pillock (apparently.)

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touchy - just giving you feedback mate - that's what you open yourself up to if you post on an open forum!


and if you write something pottentially provocative, don't get a stop on if you get a bite.




A. Pillock (apparently.)


What he said ^^^

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