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BP boss to get £600,000 pension every year until he dies

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A Scapegoat? I wish someone would explain to me exactly what Hayward's job description was


He was CEO enjoying stock options, bonuses. other perks by the bushel load and making more money that president Obama when it all added up at the end of the year and I'm dead certain that he had more tax write offs that I've had hot dinners so why shouldnt the buck have stopped at his desk.


When you're "The Man" you take the glory and you take the arrows and slings




Just because he was the CEO, he shouldn't have to take the **** he is getting from the Yanks. Was it directly his fault what happened? No it wasn't.


So what if he earns more than Obama? Private sector can earn what the hell they like, do people get up in arms about Bill Gates earning more than Obama? No they don't, so don't even bring that into it.

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Just because he was the CEO, he shouldn't have to take the **** he is getting from the Yanks. Was it directly his fault what happened? No it wasn't.


So what if he earns more than Obama? Private sector can earn what the hell they like, do people get up in arms about Bill Gates earning more than Obama? No they don't, so don't even bring that into it.




A CEO of a giant corporation is no different than a president, a prime minister or a top military general. When things gp wrong the buck has to stop somewhere. What's the problem with understanding that simple logic?


Would Obama say it's all Hillary's fault if there was some big diplomatic screw up? Course he wouldnt. He'd face the press, face the critics and take whar's coming


It's called Leadership

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A CEO of a giant corporation is no different than a president, a prime minister or a top military general. When things gp wrong the buck has to stop somewhere. What's the problem with understanding that simple logic?


Would Obama say it's all Hillary's fault if there was some big diplomatic screw up? Course he wouldnt. He'd face the press, face the critics and take whar's coming


It's called Leadership


About Warren Anderson ...? Did the U.S turn him over to India as they requested?

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He as taken the arrows and slings but that doesn’t mean he should know the ins and outs of how a rig works or doesn’t work as in this case.




Sorry! How silly of me not to realize that. He nust have been in charge of copier paper supplies

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Would Obama say it's all Hillary's fault if there was some big diplomatic screw up? Course he wouldnt. He'd face the press, face the critics and take whar's coming


It's called Leadership


Obviously but would he be expected to know the detail of what went wrong, leadership is about a chain of command but it doesn’t mean the leader knows everything.

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A CEO of a giant corporation is no different than a president, a prime minister or a top military general. When things gp wrong the buck has to stop somewhere. What's the problem with understanding that simple logic?


Would Obama say it's all Hillary's fault if there was some big diplomatic screw up? Course he wouldnt. He'd face the press, face the critics and take whar's coming


It's called Leadership


It's a damn site lot different than being President, Prime Minister or Top Military General, as they are all Public Sector jobs. The CEO of BP is a private sector job.


Hayward took the slack for it, he got battered around by Senators and Obama, but they couldn't leave it at that could they? No, they had to come out with tripe like Obama saying if he would sack Hayward if he could, but he couldn't. But it looks like in the end the pressure paid off and they got what they wanted.


Question is, if Hayward wasn't in charge, would this have still happened? Yes, it would.


You also said that he was pictured on a boat, so what? Obama was pictured on a Golf Course wasn't he?

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He's on the lam at the moment isn't he? Anyway what the heck is this to do with Hayward and BP ? :loopy:


You must have heard of Union Carbide and Bhopal..? 8,000 deaths....he was the Chairman at the time..should he have taken the rap as you seem to want Hayward to do..should the US have sent him back to India to face the charges? Don't you see any similarity?

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About Warren Anderson ...? Did the U.S turn him over to India as they requested?




Well maybe this indicates what's wrong with a lot of the way things are run today. They put square pegs in round holes.


The Chairman of General Motors got his walking papers from Obama after GM was on the verge of bankruptcy. He took the blame for the corporation's financial situation and poor product sales.


Did he know how to install a transmission on an auto assembly line? No he didnt but he got the blame for everything and that's how it works, plain and simple

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