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BP boss to get £600,000 pension every year until he dies

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You must have heard of Union Carbide and Bhopal..? 8,000 deaths....he was the Chairman at the time..should he have taken the rap as you seem to want Hayward to do..should the US have sent him back to India to face the charges? Don't you see any similarity?




The man is hiding out somewhere as far as I know. Not in the US

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It's a damn site lot different than being President, Prime Minister or Top Military General, as they are all Public Sector jobs. The CEO of BP is a private sector job.


Hayward took the slack for it, he got battered around by Senators and Obama, but they couldn't leave it at that could they? No, they had to come out with tripe like Obama saying if he would sack Hayward if he could, but he couldn't. But it looks like in the end the pressure paid off and they got what they wanted.


Question is, if Hayward wasn't in charge, would this have still happened? Yes, it would.


You also said that he was pictured on a boat, so what? Obama was pictured on a Golf Course wasn't he?


Poor kid :D he must be weeping crocodile tears on the way to the bank with that 18 mil in his pocket.


Nasty old Obama tut tut :hihi:

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A CEO of a giant corporation is no different than a president, a prime minister or a top military general. When things gp wrong the buck has to stop somewhere. What's the problem with understanding that simple logic?


Would Obama say it's all Hillary's fault if there was some big diplomatic screw up? Course he wouldnt. He'd face the press, face the critics and take whar's coming


It's called Leadership


Could you remind us of the last president that "faced the critics and took what's coming" beyond a press conference? Which one lost his job and why?

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When you're "The Man" you take the glory and you take the arrows and slings


The way this works is like this;


1) When things are going well its all down to you, so you get the big bonus.

2) When things are going badly, its down to the minions. It has nothing to do with you. Minions get the blame.


Its not a loaded game at all ;)

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The way this works is like this;


1) When things are going well its all down to you, so you get the big bonus.

2) When things are going badly, its down to the minions. It has nothing to do with you. Minions get the blame.


Its not a loaded game at all ;)


and either way you get a whopping great severance package

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Nice work if you can get it eh?

He can draw his £600,000 pension straight away, no waiting until aged 65 for him, he gets a nice lump sum, keeps his shares and will be given a new job at a BP subsidiary.


I'm sure this will be welcome news to our friends on the US Gulf Coast.


This is exactly the kind of CEO that politicians of all hues won't increase a high rate of income tax for, for fear of driving abroad. Like Fred Goodwin and Adam Crozier - the creme de la creme

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