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Anyone else sick of scrutters/hoodies general ganster wannabies

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I have no problem with the burkha. People who wear them do me no harm. Its the hoodies I have a serious problem with. Hanging round street corners causing trouble.


when its cold ive been known to wear a hoody (with the hood down) never done harm to you the same as you've said about burkha wearers! and just because i may choose to wear a hoody it does not mean to say i hang around on street corners causing trouble.


its not the clothing thats the issue its the person wearing it!

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The apple scromping from a neighbours orchard of my youth has been replaced by knifeings, muggings and drug dealing by the Hoodies of today .


When i was growing up we had local bobbies who knew all the kids ,and if you as so much answered him back , he would give you a clip round the ear, and march you home to your parents ,and the thought that you knew your were about to recieve the belt from your dad made sure you never stepped out of line . But all the kids had respect for him ,but sadly now the kids have respect for NO ONE in authority, and that stems from the fact the little toerags know full well the police cant give them a good scuff round the ear.


Its a sad state of affairs to see our streets overrun by ferrel youths in hoodies hell bent on causing as much anti social behaviour as possible.

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Try to keep in mind that the current crop are the ones that will be funding our pensions in a few years time. You may want to look after these people.


If thats our future , will the last person to leave Britain please turn out the lights .:suspect::gag:

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When i was growing up we had local bobbies who knew all the kids ,and if you as so much answered him back , he would give you a clip round the ear, and march you home to your parents ,and the thought that you knew your were about to recieve the belt from your dad made sure you never stepped out of line . But all the kids had respect for him ,but sadly now the kids have respect for NO ONE in authority, and that stems from the fact the little toerags know full well the police cant give them a good scuff round the ear.


Its a sad state of affairs to see our streets overrun by ferrel youths in hoodies hell bent on causing as much anti social behaviour as possible.


ok but instead of slating youths what about the do gooders that have banned smaking and restricted the police as much as they have, parents won't dare disipline there kids for fear of child abuse being screamed at them and im not talking about abuse i'm talking a clicp round the lug hole for being rude and disrespectfull, how are parents meant to parent how they see fit when there scared of social services, schools and police getting involved when they have done something such as grabbing there child by the arm to stop them going out when they have been told there not alowed to!


theres no point pointing out the result without the cause being dealt with!

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The apple scromping from a neighbours orchard of my youth has been replaced by knifeings, muggings and drug dealing by the Hoodies of today .


When i was growing up we had local bobbies who knew all the kids ,and if you as so much answered him back , he would give you a clip round the ear, and march you home to your parents ,and the thought that you knew your were about to recieve the belt from your dad made sure you never stepped out of line . But all the kids had respect for him ,but sadly now the kids have respect for NO ONE in authority, and that stems from the fact the little toerags know full well the police cant give them a good scuff round the ear.


Its a sad state of affairs to see our streets overrun by ferrel youths in hoodies hell bent on causing as much anti social behaviour as possible.


I'm sorry but I really don't believe your story.


You do not help yourself when you tell us that your stealing of other peoples property ('apple scrumping' is stealing) is replaced by knifing. Are you telling me that muggings and stabbings are a new phenomenon? I happen to know that so called anti-social behaviour has decreased a great deal in recent years.


Our streets are NOT overun by feral youths, whatever you may think. As for giving them a 'good scuff round the ear', is that really all it takes? Do you honestly believe that that is the answer? Do you think that's all we need to do?


You really need to open your eyes my friend.

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I used to be an absolute twt when i was younger but never was i threatened with a knife or a gun.

Different times these days im 30 this year.


my brothers 19 and never been threatend let alone with a knife or gun likewise my 18 year old step daughter. but yet someone held a knife to me when i was 13 (im now 27) threatening behavour is nothing new


people seem to make out its the majority pocketing guns and knifes but its not its the minority!

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ok but instead of slating youths what about the do gooders that have banned smaking and restricted the police as much as they have, parents won't dare disipline there kids for fear of child abuse being screamed at them and im not talking about abuse i'm talking a clicp round the lug hole for being rude and disrespectfull, how are parents meant to parent how they see fit when there scared of social services, schools and police getting involved when they have done something such as grabbing there child by the arm to stop them going out when they have been told there not alowed to!


theres no point pointing out the result without the cause being dealt with!


Im totally in favour of returning to the "Pre Nanny State " days ,and im a firm believer of parents being able to disipline their kids without having to worry about Do-Gooders calling them child abusers.


A little disipline handed down by parents would stop a lot of todays kids turning ferrel and having no respect for anyone or anything.


we need a return to the days of local beat bobbies ,who know the local kids ,and wont tolerate any lip from the kids .


Todays youth are out of control ,and for that i totally lay the blame at the door of Do Gooders .

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