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Anyone else sick of scrutters/hoodies general ganster wannabies

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my brothers 19 and never been threatend let alone with a knife or gun likewise my 18 year old step daughter. but yet someone held a knife to me when i was 13 (im now 27) threatening behavour is nothing new


people seem to make out its the majority pocketing guns and knifes but its not its the minority!


Read the post properly....

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Im definatly in favour of banning the Hoodie .


Id also like to see a law brought in to make it illegal for people aged between 12-20 to gather in groups of more than 2 .


Thats just about every pub closed if more than two 18yo can't meet in the same pub for a pint.

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Why do so many contributors here assume that behaving obnoxiously is natural for teenagers, a 'phase' we have to let them go through? It's not like that in other countries. In Europe and the Far East they behave just fine, they don't feel any kind of need to upset or annoy others around them. Nor is it true that things were no better before. I am old enough to remember, and things were a lot better. Just one point: young people forty years ago generally did not carry knives around with them. There is no comparison.

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I used to be an absolute twt when i was younger but never was i threatened with a knife or a gun.



you wasn't i stated i was


Different times these days im 30 this year


ive staed im less that 3 years your junior and i disagree that its really that different as i know teenagers who have not been threatened with a gun/knife or without for that matter.


Read the post properly....


so what is it that im meant to of miss read?

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Why do so many contributors here assume that behaving obnoxiously is natural for teenagers, a 'phase' we have to let them go through? It's not like that in other countries. In Europe and the Far East they behave just fine, they don't feel any kind of need to upset or annoy others around them. Nor is it true that things were no better before. I am old enough to remember, and things were a lot better. Just one point: young people forty years ago generally did not carry knives around with them. There is no comparison.


Of course young people carried knives around with them 40 years ago, a minority yes, but they did.

Just like a minority of young people today carry knives around with them.


Also, young people in Europe and the Far East don't behave just fine whatsoever. They have their fair share of trouble too.

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Of course young people carried knives around with them 40 years ago, a minority yes, but they did.

Just like a minority of young people today carry knives around with them.


Also, young people in Europe and the Far East don't behave just fine whatsoever. They have their fair share of trouble too.


just better at not getting caught than us brits lol

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I'm sorry but I really don't believe your story.


You do not help yourself when you tell us that your stealing of other peoples property ('apple scrumping' is stealing) is replaced by knifing. Are you telling me that muggings and stabbings are a new phenomenon? I happen to know that so called anti-social behaviour has decreased a great deal in recent years.


Our streets are NOT overun by feral youths, whatever you may think. As for giving them a 'good scuff round the ear', is that really all it takes? Do you honestly believe that that is the answer? Do you think that's all we need to do?


You really need to open your eyes my friend.


Speaking from a 17 year olds POV - Yes, our streets are most certainly overun by chavs, and anti social idiots. Things are not like how they used to be, back in the day, so to speak, any "wise guy" you would give him "what for", but this day in age, in sheffield, trying to give the wise guy "what for" is really not even a good idea, because of the HUGE risk of being stabbed, shot etc. The main reason we have so many violent and uneducated youths in sheffield in this day in age, is because of the lack of parental guidance. Many kids dont respect authority, because when they go home, they dont have a father figure, or have a very poor father figure. These unruly youths, often rub off on the "good" kids, so to speak, resulting in a Binj drinking, violet youth culture, that we have in sheffield today. Also, I've experienced it, thats whats happening, and thats why its happening.

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I'm definitely in favour of banning the Hoodie .


Id also like to see a law brought in to make it illegal for people aged between 12-20 to gather in groups of more than 2 .

Are you slimsid in disguise?

Im totally in favour of returning to the "Pre Nanny State " days ,and im a firm believer of parents being able to disipline their kids without having to worry about Do-Gooders calling them child abusers.

My goodness, how many times :rolleyes:


What is your obsession with hitting kids?


You do not need to do this to discipline children. FACT! (:hihi:)

A little disipline handed down by parents would stop a lot of todays kids turning ferrel and having no respect for anyone or anything.


we need a return to the days of local beat bobbies ,who know the local kids ,and wont tolerate any lip from the kids .


Todays youth are out of control ,and for that i totally lay the blame at the door of Do Gooders .

Then you are quite simply wrong.


You answered your own question in the first sentence. A little discipline handed down by parents. It's hardly rocket science, and comes naturally to most parents. Unfortunately, ones that think that 'wacking' is the only measure that works, bring up kids that end up not being disciplined well, and end up with no respect for anything. Luckily they are few and far between.


Today's youth are not out of control. Only in your mind.


I really don't think the youth of today are out of control. People are blowing things out of proportion by a long way. Totally exaggerated.


Try telling that to ^^ this dude Chichi. He lives in cloud cuckoo land.

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