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GRRRR - cars taking two spaces up!

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and many more people would be more heathier and fitter due to riding a bike instead of sat sluped behind the wheel


if you can cure the premature arthritus in my knee i'd happily cycle but given i struggle walking nowaday it aint likely (and im only 27!)

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My statements don't contradict each other. There is a world of difference between your car getting dings and scraps from accidents and being deliberately and maliciously damaged.


You have no idea of the costs involved to repair damage because people deliberately won't take care when opening their car doors and damage the adjacent car. You should stop now, you're making less sense the more you ramble on.

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You have no idea of the costs involved to repair damage because people deliberately won't take care when opening their car doors and damage the adjacent car. You should stop now, you're making less sense the more you ramble on.


I have no idea because ...


I've been driving over half my life. What makes you think I have no idea of the costs of repairing a car?


I shall make my point in as simple a way as I can manage:


Your car will get damaged if you use it. That's what comes of having a fairly thin steel shell and placing it near to where other people go, and driving it round at high speed. That's just life, and part and parcel of owning a car. Stone chips on the bonnet and little dents in the doors are part of the patina of older cars, and don't generally lead to further damage.


People deliberately damaging your car by keying it, as you claim to is different. It generally goes through several layers of paint making rust much more likely, looks much more obvious and unsightly than a small dent of scratch, and is deliberate vandalism. I don't think may supermarket dings are deliberate.


What in that makes you think I don't know how much car repairs are? A friend had their car keyed outside my house once (new car - presume jealousy?) which cost him £400 to have fixed, and then when he traded it in after 3 years the dealer knocked £500 of the final value because it had been resprayed. I had my car keyed once after asking some local kids not to play in my garden. It was when I'd already made a deal to trade it in; I was just waiting for my 'new' car to be prepared. That cost me £300 in trade in.


So, in summary - little dings and stone chips - normal, not that unsightly, rarely caused deliberately, don't cost much come trade in time, rarely lead to further damage, accidental. Keying cars - deliberate, expensive, unsightly, often leads to further damage.


Chalk - dry, dusty substance. Cheese - moist dairy product that is nice on sandwiches.


Incidentally, as you are so aware of the costs involved in repairing paint damage, and get so upset about it, can you explain why you feel justified in deliberately - as opposed to accidentally - damaging other people's cars? Are you just more important than everyone else?

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Drivel snipped


You need to calm down, the majority of your posts on this forum are all bad-tempered borderline trolling of situations you know nothing about.


Oh and I haven't keyed any cars but it's funny to see how people get wound up about it while defending their right to carelessly damage other peoples cars and block people in. If you block someone's doors then you're a little hitler who thinks it's their right to police a public car park, you should expect damage if you behave in such a petty and downright pathetic manner. Think on that next time son

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You need to calm down, the majority of your posts on this forum are all bad-tempered borderline trolling of situations you know nothing about.


Oh and I haven't keyed any cars but it's funny to see how people get wound up about it while defending their right to carelessly damage other peoples cars and block people in. If you block someone's doors then you're a little hitler who thinks it's their right to police a public car park, you should expect damage if you behave in such a petty and downright pathetic manner. Think on that next time son


I think you need anger management mate !:roll:

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You need to calm down, the majority of your posts on this forum are all bad-tempered borderline trolling of situations you know nothing about.


Whilst I am flattered that you have found time to read at least 1039 of my posts, I don't think most of them are bad-tempered. I would like to know how you have such an in-depth knowledge of what I do and do not know about, but I suspect that will just be something else on the long list of things I know nothing about.


You statement


Oh and I haven't keyed any cars


doesn't agree with this:


I keyed the car of the last person who tried that on me, hope they thought it was worth it lol


Which one is the lie?


but it's funny to see how people get wound up about it while defending their right to carelessly damage other peoples cars and block people in. If you block someone's doors then you're a little hitler who thinks it's their right to police a public car park, you should expect damage if you behave in such a petty and downright pathetic manner. Think on that next time son


I have not 'defended my right to carelessly damage other people's cars' or to 'block people in' No-one has such 'rights' - I have just made the point that accidental, collateral damage will occur in the real world in which we live, but that deliberate damage is a different matter.


In the quote above though you appear to attempt a justification for deliberately damaging other people's cars (which you may or may not do - we're not sure if you're a liar and a criminal, or a liar who is all talk until you clarify which of your two contradictory statements is the lie)


Think on that next time son


Daddy, is that you? Mummy said you had died?

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Incidentally, as you are so aware of the costs involved in repairing paint damage, and get so upset about it, can you explain why you feel justified in deliberately - as opposed to accidentally - damaging other people's cars? Are you just more important than everyone else?
Not replying directly to the above, but I feel the major issue here is that the people who cause such accidental dings, scratches and scarpes rarely, if ever, put their hand in their pocket to make the damage good. At least in my experience.


So, yes, baseless, senseless, "an eye for an eye makes the world blind" and all that...but catching the person in the act, asking politely for an amicable settlement and being fobbed off (quite abusively), does make one apt to temporarily lose one's cool and...erm...retaliate at least in kind, shall we say ;) (note that's retaliate against the damager, not an other, unknown driver who parks to inconvenience).


If everyone was respectful and considerate enough, then there would be much less anger over the topic, and the very issue if/as/when it happens. Accidents do happen, always will. A strong gust of wind as you open the door and bam! But that's why people have insurance. How strange most always do a runner instead, leaving the aggrieved party to make good the damage caused by another :rant:

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This really makes me MAD! - people who can't park within the white lines of a parking bay, so effectively taking two spaces up! Today I went to Crystal Peaks - and was ages trying to find a space because of this. I find this happens regularly at Crystal Peaks.

Rant over!


Selfish people who think, screw everyone else so long as i'm OK. Very annoying indeed. Spaces are there for a reason, otherwise they wouldn't bother drawing the white lines. :rant:

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I have been to parkgate, meadowhall and meadowhall retail park today and am proud to say I used 2 space's at all except meadowhall as I got a parent and child space there.


I dont see why I should foot the bill for other car drivers and passengers careless actions when entering or exiting their cars.

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