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Scrapping Retirement Age

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How do you know all this, about England, when you live in a sheltered little world like the USA?

From what I understand no one in the USA even knows where other countries are.

Most of the lads in Vietnam didnt even know they were outside America.

They thought they had been invaded.

I honestly dont think, Harleyman, that you have been further than the end of your street, never mind overseas.




Is that the best you can do in reply to my last post? You cant stop ranting can you. More pure drivel. You only reveal yourself to what I've already figured you out to be


Dont waste anymore of my time. Begone you and Rubydazzler and besmirch these pages no more

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Is that the best you can do in reply to my last post? You cant stop ranting can you. More pure drivel. You only reveal yourself to what I've already figured you out to be


Dont waste anymore of my time. Begone you and Rubydazzler and besmirch these pages no more


Now I know that you are drunk...or...something?:suspect:

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The point being made was that the major cities and large towns have multiple constituences within them, whereas country constituences have vast areas with small populations.


For instance, you may remember that Sheffield returns 6 MPS to Parliament, whereas a country constituency would be as large or larger than Sheffield and return only one MP.


Think of it as the space between the ears of a Yorkshire head and a Californian head. Same space, different contents.

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I find that hard to believe taking into account big cities like Manchester, Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool, Newcastle and the smaller midland and northern industrial cities such as Sheffield, Nottingham etc would have smaller labour constituencies than the Tory.


Erm.. Sheffied is bigger than Manchester, Liverpool and Newcastle thank you :)

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It's a tough one though arty. There are just too many old folks wanting to retire and not enough young guns to pay taxes to keep them.


The demographic bell curve is scary, take a look. http://anmblog.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/2007/12/12/uk_population_3.gif


I'm in that 40something bulge who are hoping to be supported by those who are leaving school now. From that graph there will be more of me not working than those who are, and it just gets worse. I really can't see how there will be any viable state pension in 30 years.


We can carp on forever about how its not fair but the numbers still won't add up.


If you notice on that curve Tony, there is a massive increase, out of sync, for my age group.

They, the current government, may be leaping on that and using it for all future developments.

As we know that was the post war surge (baby boom) from which the best generation of people was ever born. :D

Seriously, I very much doubt that as many children, to the children of the indigenous people (1950's) are being born now, as then.

However, taking into account the massive increase in the rate of birth among the recent arrivals that would account for it.

The majority of these births are not going to get us any where.

They are are not going to be the future doctors, engineers, chemists, or nurses.

We have enough taxi drivers.

Yet I am to keep working till I drop, to keep these folks on benefits, until they reproduce enough to conquer by numbers?

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Now I know that you are drunk...or...something?:suspect:




My prediction that coalition governments could be the shape of things to come seems to have stressed you out but get used to it. Other European countries have had coalition governments for years. What's so special about Britain?

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