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Which family member winds you up?!

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I have just been out with the family for my Mums birthday. I was really looking forward to it, but there always seems to be someone moaning or complaining. Today it was my Step Dad! He complained about everything and anything! It really started to wind me up! :mad: For one its was my mums birthday and I think he was being selfish for stressing my mum out, He speaks really loud so ten tables away they could hear all his grumblings too and again it was MY MUMS BIRTHDAY! Agghhhh.... Does anyone else have similar tales? Is there someone in your family who is like this? Who grates on you? Please tell me I have not just got the only family like this. Sometimes its like they take turns or something. GOD! I'm still ****** off.


lol...its a good job I can laugh :D



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Mother in laws do it for me...


Imagine the restaurant scenario :


Each family member with their hands fanned out covering their plates (knives and forks somehow dangling precariously ) Whilst the mother (in law) sits with her fork poised ready to pounce on any tasty looking morsel on someone else's plate. She wasn't one to ask 1st bless her... I've never seen ppl eat so quickly :shocked:


Everyone ordered the same pudding as MIL ;)

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Yeah Max know what you mean, though no such luck in my case but i only have contact with one brother out of all my family.

In-laws i have'nt bothered with for 24 years, my parents are both deceased, brother was banned from his hen pecking wife.


My Sons partner is becomimg a pain though and causing friction amongst the family and this will only get worse in time but we do not see her so thats fine.

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